Colposcopy for diagnosis of premalignant and malignant cervical lesions


Dražan Butorac, Tatjana Nemeth Blažić, Ana Meyra Potkonjak , Adriana Bokulić, Ivana Stojanović

Dugotrajna infekcija visokorizičnim tipovima humanog papiloma virusa (HPV-a) glavni je čimbenik nastajanja premalignih i malignih lezija vrata maternice. Učinkovita prevencija i kontrola bolesti zahtijeva poznavanje epidemioloških karakteristika populacije, provođenje metoda probira te otkrivanja bolesti u što ranijem stadiju odnosno predstadiju invazivne bolesti. Dijagnostičke metode koje se koriste u cilju probira uključuju citološke metode – PAPA test, mikrobiološka testiranja, HPV testiranje, HPV genotipizaciju i kolposkopiju. Korištenje novih dijagnostičkih testova zahtijeva preispitivanje uloge svih razina probira odnosno dijagnosticiranja. Usporedom smjernica različitih stručnih društava za probir i dijagnosticiranje premalignih i malignih lezija vrata maternice, kolposkopija je metoda koja određuje daljnji smjer. Cilj je ovog rada propitati važnost i ulogu kolposkopije u dijagnostici i praćenju premalignih i malignih promjena vrata maternice u sinergiji s drugim dijagnostičkim metodama.

Long-term infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) is a major contributing factor in the development of premalignant and malignant cervical lesions. Effective disease prevention and control requires knowledge of the epidemiological characteristics of population, implementation of screening method, and detection of the disease at the early or at pre-stage of invasive disease. Screening methods include cytological methods – Pap smear, microbiological testing, HPV testing, HPV genotyping, and colposcopy. The use of new diagnostic tests necessitates a re-evaluation of all methods at all levels of screening or diagnosis. By comparing the guidelines of various professional societies for the screening and diagnosis of premalignant and malignant cervical lesions, colposcopy is a method that indicates further direction. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the importance and the role of colposcopy in diagnosis of premalignant and malignant changes of the cervix, in synergy with other diagnostic methods.