
Danko Mikulić, Tomislav Bubalo, Darko Kučan, Tajana Filipec-Kanižaj, Anna Mrzljak, Ante Čizmić, Lucija Čizmić, Anita Škrtić, Vinko Vidjak, Stipislav Jadrijević, Branislav Kocman

Abernethyjeva malformacija ili kongenitalna ageneza portalne vene (KAPV) rijetka je malformacija abdominalnoga splanhničkog venskog sustava. Dijagnoza se najčešće postavlja u dječjoj dobi i često je povezana s drugim malformacijama poput srčanih grešaka i poremećaja skeletnog sustava, kao i s tumorima jetre. Sama malformacija može se manifestirati u dva oblika. Kod tipa I portalna krv potpuno zaobilazi jetru te se gornja mezenterijska vena i lijenalna vena odvojeno (tip Ia) ili zajedno (tip Ib) dreniraju u donju šuplju venu, a u jetri ne postoje intrahepatalni portalni venski ogranci. Kod tipa II prisutan je parcijalni portokavalni shunt i portalna krv djelomično opskrbljuje jetru. Nema jedinstvenoga terapijskog pristupa za sve bolesnike s Abernethyjevom malformacijom, međutim, kod bolesnika sa simptomima jetrene bolesti (encefalopatija, loša funkcija jetre) te onih s tumorima jetre preporučuje se transplantacija jetre. U ovom radu prikazujemo Abernethyjevu malformaciju tipa Ib u 17-godišnje bolesnice kod koje se obradom kronične malaksalosti praćene bolima pod desnim rebrenim lukom pronašao neresektabilni tumor jetre te joj je uspješno obavljena ortotopna transplantacija jetre.

Abernethy malformation or congenital agenesis of the portal vein (CAPV) is a rare malformation of the abdominal splanchnic venous system. This malformation is commonly found in children and is often associated with other malformations such as congenital cardiac anomalies and skeletal system disorders, as well as liver tumors. There are two types of Abernethy malformation. In type I, portal blood bypasses the liver completely, with the superior mesenteric vein and the splenic vein draining into the inferior vena cava separately (type Ia), or together (type Ib). There are no intrahepatic portal vein branches in the liver. Type II is a partial portocaval shunt in which portal blood partially supplies the liver. There is no unified therapeutic approach for all patients with Abernethy malformation, however, liver transplantation is recommended in patients with liver disease (encephalopathy, poor liver function) and those with liver tumors. In this case report we present a case of Abernethy type Ib malformation in a 17-year-old patient with chronic malaise and uper abdominal pain. During diagnostic work-up, an unresectable liver tumor was found and the patient was successfully treated with orthotopic liver transplantation.

Volumen: 5-6, 2019

Liječ Vjesn 2019;141:134–137

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