Nikica Daraboš, Marijan Cesarec
Sažetak. Fractura radii loco typico (FRLT) prijelom je distalnog radijusa. To je jedan od najčešćih prijeloma lokomotoričkog aparata, s naj širim izborom tretmana u traumatologiji. Ovisno o stabilitetu prijeloma terapija je konzervativna ili operacijska. Analizirali smo petogodišnje iskustvo našeg Odjela traumatologije, gdje je u hitnoj službi obrađeno oko 1500 bolesnika s FRLT-om, od kojih je istodobno 126 hospitalizirano. U studiji smo evaluirali rezultate operacijskog tretmana i poslijeoperacijskog funkcionalnog statusa liječenoga ručnog zgloba. Prema AO-klasifikaciji, hospitalizirano je 36 bolesnika s A-tipom, 28 s B-tipom te 62 s C-tipom FRLT-a. Operacijski je liječeno 80 bolesnika. Poslijeoperacijski funkcionalni status liječenoga ručnog zgloba bio je odličan ili vrlo dobar u 64 bolesnika te dobar u 16 bolesnika s FRLT-om. Tretman FRLT-a ovisi o vrsti i komplikacijama prijeloma te o dobi bolesnika. Operacij sko liječenje indicirano je u nestabilnih FRLT-a ili nakon neadekvatnoga konzervativnog tretmana.
Summary. Fractura radii loco typico (FRLT) is the fracture of the distal radius. That is the one of the most frequent fractures of locomotor system with the widest range of treatment in traumatology. Therapy depends on the stability of the fracture: nonoperative or operative. We analysed the five-year experience of our Department of Traumatology where more than 1500 patients with FRLT have been treated in the urgent surgery clinic and 126 of them were hospitalized. In our study we evaluated the results of the operative treatment and postoperative functional status of a treated wrist. According to the A-O classification, we hospitalized 36 patients with A type, 28 patients with B type, and 62 patients with C type of FRLT. We operated 80 patients. The postopera- tive functional status of a treated wrist was excellent or good in 64 patients and good in 16 patients. The treatment of FRLT depends on the type and the complications of the fracture and the age of the patients. Operative therapy is indicated in the unstable FRLT or after an inadequate nonoperative treatment.