Airway management – where are we today?
Morena Milić, Tatjana Goranović, Ana Brundula, Ivo Jurišić, Perislav Lauš, Iva Smiljanić
To secure and safely manage the airway is one of the crucial points of interest for an anesthesiologist. Already in the distant past even „common people“ quickly realized how important the airway really is. The long and fascinating journey started, along which many devices and technologies were developed. They were all dedicated to management of the airway and raising awareness of airway importance. From tracheotomies which were performed a thousand years before Christ, over first direct laryngoscopies and ventilating patients with modern ventilators, we reached the modern era with a variety of helping devices: stylets, rigid and flexible bronchoscopes, videolaryngoscopes, etc. Raising awareness among anesthesiologists also played a big role, together with numerous analyses of the mistakes we involuntarily made as professionals – during all attempts and failures to do the best we can for the patient. All that, and the enormous technological improvements during the last 200 years, resulted in a revolution in the airway management. The past taught us a lot. However, a still ongoing COVID pandemic confronted us again with new airway challenges. Although no one could ever have imagined the scenario that we had to go through, we managed. Unlike how we usually work in operating theaters and intensive care units, considering the airway safety, this time we had to think of protecting not only the patient’s airway, but ours as well.