Paradigm shift in cancer rehabilitation – new principles in kinesiotherapy and extracorporeal shock-wave therapy


Jelena Marunica Karšaj, Vedran Brnić, Senija Brnić

Onkološka rehabilitacija primarno je fokusirana na individualne funkcionalne deficite i njihov učinak na onesposobljenost i kvalitetu života povezanu sa zdravljem. Potrebno je što ranije integrirati onkološku rehabilitaciju u kontinuum skrbi o onkološkim bolesnicima. Najvrjedniji dio onkološke rehabilitacije predstavlja individualna kinezioterapija, s ciljem poboljšanja funkcionalnog zdravlja bolesnika. Iz razumljivih razloga mnogi onkološki bolesnici su smanjenih tjelesnih mogućnosti, snage i izdržljivosti. Prednosti kinezioterapije su prepoznate u smislu poboljšanja tjelesnih kapaciteta, mentalnog zdravlja i kvalitete u različitim aspektima života. U nekim tipovima malignih bolesti kontinuirana bi kinezioterapija mogla utjecati na preživljavanje. Sve se češće daje prednost treningu visokog intenziteta nasuprot etabliranim kontinuiranim vježbama umjerenog intenziteta. Pokazalo se da je vrijeme provedeno u zoni maksimalnoga aerobnog napora, povećavajući maksimalni aerobni kapacitet, superiorno u odnosu na standardne umjerene vježbe ili bez vježbi. Osnovana je Međunarodna radna skupina za provođenje vježbi (skr. IBMEWG) u bolesnika s koštanim metastazama, budući da bi isti mogli imati koristi od vježbanja. U cilju prevladavanja potencijalnih funkcionalnih deficita u nadolazećem razdoblju onkološkog liječenja važno mjesto zauzima prehabilitacija. U Hrvatskoj jedinica za onkološku rehabilitaciju djeluje od 1979. godine. Unutar brojnih zdravstvenih institucija diljem svijeta implementiran je koncept pod nazivom Sveobuhvatni centar za rak (engl. Comprehension Cancer Center, CCC) koji u sebi integrira različite jedinice, platforme i skupine. U Austriji je primjerice Tim za rehabilitaciju onkoloških bolesnika (engl. Tumor Board for Cancer Rehabilitation) integriran unutar CCC Platforme za upravljanje nuspojavama, potpornu skrb i rehabilitaciju (engl. CCC Platform for Side Effects- Management, Supportive Care & Rehabilitation), kao klinički relevantan pristup u svrhu podrške u kreiranju rehabilitacijskih strategija kod onkoloških bolesnika. Kao odgovor na potrebu za učinkovitim, brzim i neinvazivnim liječenjem muskuloskeletnih bolesti unazad nekoliko godina razvio se interes za terapijom izvantjelesnim udarnim valom u kontekstu onkološke rehabilitacije. Nedavno se promijenila tradicionalna paradigma u vezi kliničkih indikacija i kontraindikacija za propisivanje liječenja udarnim valom u onkoloških bolesnika.

Cancer rehabilitation is primarily focused on individual functional deficits and their impact on disability and health-related quality of life. It is necessary to integrate cancer rehabilitation into the care continuum for these patients as soon as possible. The crown of cancer rehabilitation is individual kinesiotherapy to improve the patient’s functional health. For understandable reasons, many cancer patients have reduced physical capabilities, strength, and endurance. The advantages of kinesiotherapy are widely known for improving physical capacities, mental health, and quality in various aspects of life. In some types of malignant diseases, continuous
kinesiotherapy might have a favorable effect on survival. Moreover, some cancer patients prefer high-intensity training over established continuous moderate-intensity exercises. Time spent in the zone of maximum aerobic exertion, increasing maximum aerobic capacity, was shown to be superior to standard moderate exercise or without exercise. An International Bone Metastasis Exercise Working Group (IBMEWG) has been established to conduct exercises in patients with bone metastases since they could benefit from exercise. In order to overcome potential functional deficits in the upcoming period of oncologic treatment prehabilitation takes an important place. In Croatia, the cancer rehabilitation unit has been operating since 1979. Within numerous health institutions
worldwide, a concept Comprehension Cancer Center (CCC) has been implemented which integrates different platforms, units, and groups. For example in Austria, the Tumor Board for Cancer Rehabilitation has been integrated within the CCC Platform for Side Effects-Management, Supportive Care & Rehabilitation as a clinically relevant approach to support the creation of cancer rehabilitation strategies. In response to the need for effective, rapid, and non-invasive treatment of musculoskeletal diseases an interest in extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWL) has developed in the context of cancer rehabilitation over the past few years. Recently, the traditional paradigm regarding clinical indications and contraindications for prescribing ESWL in cancer patients has changed.

Volumen: 5-6, 2024

Liječ Vjesn 2024;146:184–194

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