The influence of anesthesia on surgical stress response


Marcela Čučković, Jasminka Peršec

Kirurški stresni odgovor je složen niz patofizioloških neuroendokrinih, metaboličkih i imunosnih promjena koje nastaju kao reakcija na ozljedu tkiva, a u svrhu očuvanja homeostaze organizma. Pojačan stresni odgovor povećava rizik za razvoj poslijeoperacijskih komplikacija i produljenog oporavka od kirurškog zahvata. Cilj rada je dati pregled utjecaja anestezije na kirurški stresni odgovor pretraživanjem dostupne literature u bazi podataka. Najveći utjecaj na razinu kirurškog stresa ima opsežnost ozljede tkiva. Odabir anesteziološke tehnike ima veliku ulogu u modulaciji stresnog odgovora. Anesteziološki lijekovi različito djeluju na izlučivanje hormona stresa, metabolizam i upalne reakcije u organizmu. Prijeoperacijska priprema bolesnika i poslijeoperacijska skrb također utječu na opsežnost stresne reakcije. Daljnja istraživanja i edukacije potrebne su kako bi se više osvijestila uloga anestezije u ovom kompleksnom odgovoru organizma.

The surgical stress response is a complex series of pathophysiological neuroendocrine, metabolic and immunological changes that occur as a reaction to tissue injury, for the purpose of preserving the homeostasis of the organism. Increased stress response increases the risk of developing postoperative complications and prolonged recovery from surgery. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the impact of anesthesia on the surgical stress response by searching available literature in database. The greatest influence on the level of surgical stress is the extent of the tissue injury. The choice of anesthetic technique plays a major role in modulating the stress response. Anesthetic drugs have different effects on hormone secretion, metabolism and inflammatory reactions in the organism. Preoperative preparation of the patient and postoperative care also affect the extent of the stress reaction. Further studies and education are needed in order to raise awareness of the role of anesthesia in this complex response of the organism.

Volumen: 11-12, 2024

Liječ Vjesn 2024;146:413–418

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