
Ariana Znaor, Damir Babić, Ante Čorušić, Magdalena Grce, Vesna Mahovlić, Marija Pajtler, Alan Šerman


Sažetak. U Hrvatskoj se oportunistički probir Papa-testom počeo provoditi još 1950-ih, što je rezultiralo znatnim padom incidencije i mortaliteta od raka vrata maternice sve do početka 1990-ih godina kada se trendovi stabiliziraju te još uvijek godišnje obolijeva u prosjeku 370, a umire 100 žena. Predložen je Program ranog otkrivanja raka vrata maternice koji bi obuhvatio sve žene u Hrvatskoj u dobi od 25 do 64 godine. U prvoj fazi programa provodilo bi se testiranje Papa-testom svake treće godine, dok bi se u drugoj fazi programa uvelo i testiranje HPV-testom za žene starije od 30 godina. Predložena je organizacija programa na razini županija, dok bi se evaluacija i monitoring programa provodili i na razini županija i centralno. S obzirom na sadašnje troškove liječenja i bolovanja žena liječenih od raka vrata maternice, procijenjeno je da bi uvođenje programa probira za rak vrata maternice u Hrvatskoj bilo isplativo već nakon prvih deset godina.


Summary. Opportunistic screening by Pap smear was introduced in Croatia in 1950s, with a consequent decrease of cervical cancer incidence and mortality. Since 1990s, no further decrease has been observed, and there are still about 370 new cases and 100 deaths of cervical cancer yearly in Croatia. In scope of the proposed early detection programme, all Croatian women aged 25–64 years should be screened. In the first phase of the programme, the target population would be tested by Pap-smear every third year. In the second phase, HPV-testing would also be introduced for women over 30 years. Organization of the programme at county level is proposed, while the evaluation and monitoring would be performed both at county level and centrally. Regarding the present costs of treatment and sick-leave of cervical cancer patients, it is estimated that the introduction of cervical cancer screening programme in Croatia would be cost-effective already after the first

Volumen: 5, 2007

Liječ Vjesn 2007;129:158–163

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