Summary. Despite the fact that hormonal combination used in huge Wpmen’s Health Initiative (WHI) is not common all over the world, and treated population is, because of age, in risk per se, study results have consternated not only lay users, but prescribers too. Namely, increased cancer, stroke and coronary heart disease risk associated with long term use of postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT) have rapidly declined the number of women treated with HT (either estrogen alone or estrogen plus progestogen). Considering recent position statements from leading organizations dealing with menopause, individualization of therapy and lower dosage HT becomes the state of the art. Not only WHI, but also results of other studies published during past few years, have induced curiosity for non-estrogen containing treatments in climacteric medicine. This review shows not only mandatory list of possibilities, but also emphasises which of the alternative and complementary treatments are evidence based regarding published randomized controlled trials.