Arterial hypertension in chronic kidney disease


Draško Pavlović, Martin Kuhlmann

Prevalencija arterijske hipertenzije vrlo je velika u bolesnika s kroničnom bubrežnom bolesti (KBB), ovisno o stadiju KBB-a, između 60% i 90%. Postoji međusobna povezanost KBB-a i arterijske hipertenzije. KBB je često uzrok povišenoga arterijskog tlaka, a s druge strane, arterijska hipertenzija je među najčešćim uzrocima bubrežnog oštećenja, tj. KBB-a. Neregulirana arterijska hipertenzija značajno pridonosi ubrzanom pogoršanju bubrežne funkcije te kardiovaskularnom morbiditetu i mortalitetu. U većine bolesnika, uz nefarmakološke mjere, neophodno je liječenje kombinacijom antihipertenziva. Ne postoji konsenzus o optimalnim vrijednostima arterijskog tlaka u KBB-u. U radu se kratko opisuje važnost pravilne dijagnoze arterijske hipertenzije, mogućnosti liječenja te se raspravlja o novim ciljnim vrijednostima arterijskog tlaka u KBB-u.

The prevalence of arterial hypertension in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is very high. Depending on the stage of CKD, it is between 60% and 90%. There is a mutual connection between CKD and arterial hypertension. CKD is often the cause of elevated blood pressure, and on the other hand, high blood pressure is among the most common causes of kidney damage, i.e. CKD. Unregulated blood pressure significantly contributes to accelerated deterioration of renal function and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In most patients, in addition to non-pharmacological measures, treatment with a combination of antihypertensive drugs is necessary. There is still no consensus on the optimal values of blood pressure in CKD. This review briefly describes the importance of the correct diagnosis of arterial hypertension, treatment options, and discusses the new target values of blood pressure in CKD.

Volumen: 5-6, 2024

Liječ Vjesn 2024;146:195–200

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