Two hundred and eight consecutive elbow arthroscopies – indications and complications analysis
Ivan Bojanić, Marko Krpeljević, Igor Knežević, Damjan Dimnjaković, Tomislav Smoljanović
Objectives: Elbow arthroscopy is a technically demanding procedure susceptible to complications. This study aims to analyse patient databases for indications and complications of elbow arthroscopy procedures performed in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb. The obtained results are compared to outcomes published in the relevant literature. Methods: This retrospective study examines 208 consecutive elbow arthroscopy procedures performed by a single surgeon in a consistent manner during a 10-year period. Available records were systemically reviewed to determine the main diagnosis and postoperative complications by an examiner not involved in the patients’ care. Results: In the period from 1st of January 2008 to 1st of January 2018, a total of 191 patients underwent surgery, including 135 males (70.68%). Seven patients (two males and five females) underwent
elbow arthroscopy of both arms. Mean age at the time of the procedure was 38.86 years (range 4 – 70 years). A total of 198 cases pertained to primary arthroscopic procedures, while the other ten procedures were referred to reoperations of the same elbow. Predominant main diagnosis for the procedure in 25.76% of the patients was posttraumatic elbow contracture followed by primary elbow osteoarthritis in 22.73% of the patients. Complications rate based on the available information during the period was 9.59%. There were four minor and 15 major complications. All of the major complications required revision surgeries, which in seven cases meant repeating the arthroscopic procedure and in eight cases prompted an open elbow surgery. Conclusion: The results of this study, substantiated by literature examples, show that elbow arthroscopy is a reliable and effective surgical method in treating various elbow conditions when performed in a consistent fashion. Complications rates after an elbow arthroscopy in the observed patient group
are low and completely comparable with the results of other published studies.