
Ivan Lovrić, Igor Lekšan


Sažetak. Prikazan je slučaj etapnoga liječenja otvorenoga prijeloma nastaloga zbog strijelne ozljede nadlaktice u 69-godišnjeg muškarca. Nesretan slučaj rezultirao je opsežnom sklopetarnom ranom u srednjoj trećini lijeve nadlaktice s posljedično otvorenim prijelomom trećega stupnja. Funkcionalni i neurocirkulatorni status šake bio je potpuno očuvan. Nakon dolaska je na lijevu nadlakticu postavljen vanjski fiksator. Postoperativni je tijek prošao bez komplikacija te su postavljeni sekundarni šavovi. Nakon sanacije rana prijelom je definitivno zbrinut DC pločom s 9 kortikalnih vijaka uz autolognu kortikospongioplastiku. Poslije sanacije prijeloma i provedenoga fizikalnog tretmana postignut je zadovoljavajući opseg pokreta u ramenu i laktu.


Summary. Acase of stagewise treatment of open fracture caused by firearm wound of the upper arm in a 69-year-old male is presented. The accident resulted with extensive firearm wound in the middle third of the left upper arm with third degree open fracture. The hand’s functional and neurocirculatory status was completely preserved. On arrival, external fixator was positioned on the left upper arm. Postoperative course was without complications, and secondary stitches were placed. After sanation of the wounds, the fracture was definitely managed by DC plate with 9 cortical screws and corticospongioplasty. After fracture sanation and completed physical treatment, a satisfying magnitude of movement in elbow and shoulder area was achieve

Volumen: 1-2, 2007

Liječ Vjesn 2007;129:8–10