Gallstone ileus of the sigmoid colon: a case report


Goran Augustin, Paula Batur, Tomislav Bruketa

Mehanička opstrukcija crijeva žučnim konkrementom (engl. gallstone ileus) rijetka je komplikacija bilijarne kalkuloze, najčešće lokalizirana u tankom crijevu. Gallstone ileus kolona mnogo je rjeđi oblik gallstone ileusa. Najčešći je u osoba starije dobi s određenim pridruženim bolestima, u žena češći nego u muškaraca. Starija dob i pridružene bolesti povećavaju smrtnost koja je viša ukoliko se stanje kasno dijagnosticira i liječi. Budući da se crijevna opstrukcija uspješno liječi, potrebno je diferencijalno dijagnostički isključiti gallstone ileus kompjuteriziranom tomografijom (CT) ili nativnim RTG-om abdomena. Terapijske mogućnosti su otvorena ili laparoskopska kololitotomija i endoskopska litotripsija. Prikazujemo slučaj 63-godišnje žene koja se javila s abdominalnim bolovima po tipu kolika i povišenim serumskim upalnim parametrima. Na CT-u abdomena uočena je opstrukcija sigmoidnog kolona konkrementom veličine 4,8 cm te je uspješno izvršena laparotomija i kololitotomija.

Gallstone ileus is a rare form of mechanical bowel obstruction with a biliary calculus due to complicated biliary lithiasis. The most common obstructed segment is small bowel. Colonic gallstone ileus is much rarer. Older patients with comorbidities are affected more frequently, and also women more often than men. Older age and comorbidities increase the mortality rate, additionally if the diagnosis and treatment are delayed. Since gallstone ileus is curable, it is necessary to confirm it with an abdominal CT scan or plain abdominal X-ray. Therapeutic procedures include laparotomy or laparoscopy with cololithotomy and endoscopic lithotripsy. We present a case of a 63-year-old woman who came to the emergency department with colicky abdominal pain and elevated serum inflammatory markers. Obstruction of the sigmoid colon with 4.8 cm calculus is detected with the abdominal CT scan, and it was successfully treated with laparotomy and cololithotomy.