Glomerular diseases before and after kidney transplantation


Mario Laganović, Margareta Fištrek, Marijana Ćorić, Bojana Maksimović, Ivica Horvatić, Petar Šenjug, Danica Galešić Ljubanović, Mladen Knotek

Glomerularne bolesti bubrega jedan su od glavnih uzroka zatajivanja bubrežne funkcije u bolesnika koji se pripremaju za transplantaciju bubrega. Kliničko praćenje takvih bolesnika može biti zahtjevno zbog varijabilnog tijeka različitih glomerulonefritisa kao i zbog mogućnosti povrata bolesti u transplantirani bubreg. U tekstu se opisuju fokalna segmentalna glomeruloskleroza, IgA nefropatija, C3 glomerulopatija i membranska nefropatija prije i poslije transplantacije. Rizični čimbenici i rano otkrivanje povrata bolesti, kliničke osobine, histološke karakteristike, terapijske mogućnosti i modifikacija imunosupresivne terapije te ishodi liječenja različitih oblika glomerulonefritisa u transplantiranom bubregu tema su ovoga preglednog članka.

Glomerular kidney diseases are one of the major causes of renal failure in patients preparing for kidney transplantation. Clinical monitoring of these patients may be a great challenge because of the variable course of various types of glomerular diseases, as well as the possibility of disease recurrence in the transplanted kidney. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, IgA nephropathy, C3 glomerulopathy, and membrane nephropathy before and after transplantation are described in this text. Risk factors and early detection of disease recurrence, clinical features, histologic characteristics, therapeutic options, modification of immunosuppressive therapy, and treatment outcomes for various forms of glomerulonephritis in the transplanted kidney are the topics of this review article.

Volumen: 9-10, 2020

Liječ Vjesn 2020;142:330–342

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