Ante Dražančić, Ivan Bakran
Sažetak. Na temelju čitanja 56 zapisnika Predsjedništva odnosno Glavnoga odbora Zbora, zapisnika godišnjih skupština te drugih relevantnih publikacija, prikazana su događanja u Hrvatskome liječničkom zboru u prvom razdoblju društvene i tržišne tranzicije, od prvih demokratskih izbora u zemlji do početka 1997. godine. Prikazani su ustroj Zbora prije tranzicije, promjene u ustroju, tj. u statutima Zbora u prve tri godine, kada se Zbor vraća svojim starim nazivima te – posebice valja naglasiti – uvodi tajnost glasovanja za čelna mjesta. Redom su spomenuti i analizirani apeli, sastanci i simpoziji koji su u središnjici Zbora održavani u vrijeme agresije na Hrvatsku, s ciljem traženja međunarodne pomoći u obrani Domovine, prikazan je sukob predsjednika Zbora i Ministarstva zdravstva, učlanjivanje Zbora u međunarodne asocijacije, pretvaranje stručnih sekcija u stručna društva, utemeljenje novih stručnih društava, osnivanje Komisije za prava čovjeka i medicinsku etiku, »Norveška inicijativa« za pomirenje u ratu sukobljenih strana, neodržani IX. kongres i održani X. kongres hrvatskih liječnika u Zadru. Dan je popis liječnika poginulih u ratu. Prikazane su djelatnosti na osnivanju Hrvatske liječničke komore te suprotstavljanja Zbor-Komora. Pregled završava izdavačkom djelatnošću i manje poznatim djelatnostima Zbora te naporima poduzetim za pribavljanje novca za obnovu Hrvatskoga liječničkog doma i uređenje zborskih prostorija. Poimenično su spomenuti kolege i kolegice koji su sudjelovali u tim često dramatičnim trenutcima tranzicije.
Summary. By reviewing the minutes of the 56 sessions of the Presidency and thereafter of the Management council of the Croatian Medical Association, the minutes of annual conventions and other relevant publications, the events in the Croatian Medical Association in the first period of social and market transition, from the first democratic elections in the country up to the beginning of the year 1997 are presented. The construction of the Association before transition, its changes in the statutes during the first three years are demonstrated: the Association restores its old and previous denominations, the professional sections convert to professional societies, the secret elections for all leading places in the organization are introduced. One after another are presented the appeals, meetings and symposia that were sent or held in the headquarter at a time of aggression against Croatia with an aim to ask international help in the defense of the homeland. The conflict between the president of the Association and the Ministry of health and social affairs is presented, as well as the introducing of the Association and its societies in international organizations, the establishing of new scientific/professional societies, the founding of the Commission for human rights and medical ethics, the Norwegian initiative for conciliation of conflicted parties during the war, the non-held 9th and the held 10th Congress of Croatian physicians in Zadar. The list of succumbed Croatian physicians during war is presented. The Association’s activity in establishing the Croatian Medical Chamber and thereafter the encounter Association-Chamber is presented as well. The review ends by demonstration of less pronounced activities and by efforts to provide money necessary for renovation of Association’s building. Separately the names of col-leagues who actively participated in often dramatic moments of transition are mentioned.