
Inga Mandac Rogulj, Vibor Milunović, Mirjana Mariana Kardum Paro, Delfa Radić Krišto, Gordana Kaić, Slobodanka Ostojić Kolonić

Mijelodisplastični sindrom (MDS) klonski je poremećaj krvotvorne matične stanice karakteriziran neučinkovitom hematopoezom i citopenijom u perifernoj krvi, a u oko trećine bolesnika može doći do progresije poremećaja u akutnu mijeloičnu leukemiju (AML). Dijagnoza MDS-a postavlja se nakon analize periferne krvi i koštane srži, a ovisno o postotku blasta u koštanoj srži, broju citopenija te citogenetičkim abnormalnostima, određuju se prognostički indeksi (engl. International Prognostic Scoring System – IPSS, Revised International Prognostic Scoring System – IPSS-R, WHO Prognostic Scoring System – WPSS). Dosad su provedena brojna istraživanja o molekularnim mehanizmima i epigenetičkim putovima u mijelodisplastičnom sindromu te njihovu prognostičkom i terapijskom značenju, ali je malo studija o važnosti mikroRNK (miRNK) u MDS-u. U posljednjih nekoliko godina objavljeni su brojni rezultati o utjecaju aberantnog izražaja miRNK u malignim poremećajima, pri čemu su se miRNK-i pokazali kao geni koji suprimiraju tumor ili onkogeni. U pojedinim su tumorima miRNK-i prepoznati kao dijagnostički i prognostički parametri te mogući terapijski ciljevi. U ovom radu donosimo pregled dosadašnjih rezultata o ulozi miRNK u MDS-u.

Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a clonal hematopoietic stem cell disorder characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis and cytopenia in peripheral blood, where about a third of patients may develop acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The diagnosis of MDS requires the analysis of peripheral blood and bone marrow. Depending on the percentage of blasts in the bone marrow, the number of cytopenias and cytogenetic abnormalities, determination of the prognostic indices is possible (IPSS – „International Prognostic Scoring System“, R-IPSS-„Revised International Prognostic Scoring System“, WPSS – „WHO Prognostic Scoring System“). Until today, numerous studies have been conducted on the molecular mechanisms and epigenetic pathways in myelodysplastic syndrome, and their prognostic and therapeutic importance, but there are few studies analyzing the importance of microRNAs (miRNAs) in MDS. In the last few years, there have been numerous results on the impact of aberrant miRNA expression in malignant disorders where the miRNA represent tumor suppressor genes or oncogenes. Several miRNAs have been recognized as diagnostic and prognostic parameters and possible therapeutic targets. In this paper, we present the overview of recent results on the role of miRNA in MDS.

Volumen: 7-8, 2019

Liječ Vjesn 2019;141:233–237

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