Goran Arbanas, Dinko Kreho
Different medical phenomena are described in fiction literature, and psychiatric symptoms and disorders are especially interesting for authors, as well as readers. Pieces of fiction with descriptions of psychiatric disorders can be used in bibliotherapy, for the treatment of people with mental disorders, but can also be used for learning psychiatry (as can be done with film). Messrs. Glembay is the best known Croatian play. The main character in the play, Leone, has several psychiatric symptoms. He has delusional ideas, toward baroness Castelli-Glembay and also toward his father and his firm. Also, one can conclude that he has circumstantial thoughts. Today, we would diagnose him with a delusional disorder. As he committed a murder at the end of the play, one can ask if he was capable of understanding what he did and if he was able to control his will. As there were delusional ideas present at the time of his offence, and as his delu-sional ideas directly influenced his acts at the time of the offence, and especially because of his emotional state at the time, we can conclude that at the time of the offence he was not able to understand the mean-ing of what he did and he was not able to control his volition. Every piece of literature that presents char-acters with psychiatric symptoms can be analysed from literary aspects, but also from psychiatric aspects, and can be used as a tool to help educate future psychiatrists and physicians.