
Branimir Cerovski


Sažetak. Autor daje aktualan pregled razumijevanja nearteritičke ishemičke optičke neuropatije (NION) s detaljnim opisom najčešćeg oblika, tj. nearteritičke prednje ishemičke optičke neuropatije (NAION). Iznose se relevantni klinički podaci s opisom dijagnostičkog i terapijskog algoritrna. Precizno se navode i opisuju dijagnostičke kliničke metode koje su u uporabi, kao i opravdanost očekivanja od pojedinih metoda u kliničkom tijeku bolesti. Raspravlja se o kontroverzama medikamentnog i kirurškog pristupa liječenju ovoga entiteta. Autor posebno raspravlja o uporabi aspirina te o fenestraciji ovojnice vidnog živca.


Summary. An up-to-date review of the concepts on nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy (NION) is presented with special emphasis on its most common form, nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). Relevant clinical data are pre- sented, along with the description of diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms. The methods used in clinical diagnosis and validity of expectations from particular methods during the clinical course of the disease are elaborated. Controversies of medical and surgical approach in the management of this entity are discussed, with special references to the use of aspirin and optic nerve sheath fenestration.

Volumen: 9-10, 2003

Liječ Vjesn 2003;125:265–270

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