Characteristics of photographs accompanying medical articles in Liječnički vjesnik between 1877 and 1950
Stella Fatović-Ferenčić, Martin Kuhar
In this paper, we analyzed photographs published on the pages of Liječnički vjesnik in the period from 1877 to 1950. The research included 251 clinical cases accompanied by at least one photograph. Our goal was to show the basic characteristics of photographs published with articles, as well as their documentary and epistemological value. We also questioned the motivation of doctors for including the photographs in their case reports, and explored the strategies of the editors of Liječnički vjesnik in publishing photographs in the analyzed period. The results of our analysis showed that the basic characteristics of the photographs in the analyzed period were:
black-and-white technique and poor print quality without stated authorship, and the fact that the appearance of photographs does not follow the diseases with the highest incidence but is oriented towards rarities, exceptions and successfully resolved complicated cases. The publication of photographs opened up the possibility of presenting the success of individual therapeutic procedures and the affirmation of individual medical specialties. The photographs visually recorded the treatment processes in all their stages, as well as the efforts regarding eventual rehabilitation and/or resocialization of patients. We also note that Liječnički vjesnik did not have a clearly defined strategy for the publication of photographs, nor an elaborate ethical framework for their publication.