Preserving the health and work ability of the healthcare staff as a key factor of the quality of healthcare


Jadranka Mustajbegović

Podići svijest među zaposlenima u djelatnosti zdravstva o neophodnosti očuvanja njihova zdravlja i njihove radne sposobnosti jer su ključni čimbenici za kvalitetu zdravstvene zaštite. U bazi podatka PubMed ključnim riječima health staff, health workers i quality of care te na stranicama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (engl. World Health Organization,, Svjetske medicinske udruge (engl. World Medical Association, https://, Europske unije javnih službi (engl. European Public Service Union, i Ministarstva zdravstva Republike Hrvatske ( pretraženi su podatci o zdravlju na radu osoba zaposlenih u djelatnosti zdravstva u kontekstu kvalitete zdravstvene zaštite koju pružaju. Praksa i u nas i u svijetu pokazuje kako rizici u zdravstvu po zdravlje i sposobnost za rad zaposlenih još uvijek nisu prepoznati na odgovarajući način niti se odgovorni prema zaštiti zdravlja odnose na odgovarajući način. I kako se prijetnja zarazom COVID-19 svladavala, dramatičnom je brzinom nestajalo zanimanje za stanje zdravlja i radne sposobnosti osoba zaposlenih na poslovima i u sustavu zdravstvene zaštite. Nacionalnim planom oporavka i otpornosti 2021. – 2026. u poglavlju o zdravstvu naglašava se da su ljudski resursi, stručni i posvećeni zdravstveni radnici i nezdravstveni djelatnici koji sudjeluju u pružanju zdravstvene skrbi i koji osiguravaju logističku podršku za nju najvažniji resurs našega zdravstvenog sustava, ali o očuvanju njihova zdravlja i podršci njihove radne sposobnosti nema ni riječi. U svrhu provedbe mjera zaštite zdravlja i sigurnosti na radu osoba zaposlenih u zdravstvu potrebno je dosljedno provoditi mjere specifične zdravstvene zaštite. Primarnu odgovornost za skrb o sebi snose sami djelatnici. Ako prepoznajemo vlastitu vrijednost kroz odnos prema sebi, možemo očekivati to i od drugih, možemo i zahtijevati od poslodavca.

The aim of the paper is to raise awareness among employees in the health sector about the necessity of preserving their health and their working ability, because they are key factors for the quality of health care. In the PubMed database with the keywords health personnel, healthcare workers and quality of care and on the pages of the World Health Organization (, World Medical Association (https://www.wma. net/), the European Public Service Union (, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia ( data on the occupational health of health workers were searched in the context
of the quality of health care they provide. Practice both in our country and in the world shows that health risks to the health and ability to work of employees in health sector are still not adequately recognized, nor do those responsible for health protection treat it appropriately. As the threat of the COVID-19 infection was contained, interest in that issue disappeared at a dramatic speed. The National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021–2026, in the chapter on health, emphasizes that human resources, professional and dedicated health workers, and nonhealth workers who participate in the provision of health care and who provide logistical support for it, are the most important resource of our health system, but there is not even a word about preserving their health and supporting their ability to work. To implement measures to protect the health and safety at work of the staff in healthcare, it is necessary to consistently implement specific health protection measures. The primary responsibility for self-care lies within the employees themselves. If we recognize our own value through our attitude towards ourselves, we can expect the same from others, and we can also demand it from the employer.

Volumen: 11-12, 2023

Liječ Vjesn 2023;145:393–397

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