Duška Glavaš, Zvonko Rumboldt
Sažetak. Poznato je puno metoda za odvikavanje od pušenja, no jedna od najpopularnijih je transdermalni nikotinski sustav (TNS). Prethodnim smo ispitivanjem na više od 300 pušača pokazali da se TNS-om posti‘e znatno viša stopa apstinencije nego placebom (38%:21%). U ovom smo pokusu provjeravali učinkovitost TNS-a tijekom kraće primjene. 160 pušača podijeljeno je u 4 grupe po 40 ispitanika, koji su nosili TNS ili placebo tijekom 3 ili 6 tjedana. Apstinencija je evaluirana s pomoću standardiziranih upitnika i mjerenjem CO u izdahnutom zraku. Nakon 3 tjedna primjene TNS-a postigla se u 60% apstinencija, u usporedbi s 50% nakon 6 tjedana; odgovarajući tomu, apstinencijska stopa na placebu iznosila je tek 17,5% i 20% (p<0,05). Kratkotrajna primjena TNS-a (3-tjedna) bar je jednako učinkovita kao du‘a (6-tjedna), što je va‘no i s medicinskog i s ekonomskog stajališta.
Summary. There are a lot of methods for smoking cessation but transdermal nicotine system (TNS) is one of the most popular. On a sample of more than 300 smokers we have formerly shown that TNS achieves higher abstinence rate than placebo (38%:21%). In the present study we have tested the optimal administration of TNS. 160 smokers were subdivided in 4 groups of 40, receiving either TNS or placebo, for 3 or 6 weeks. The abstinence rate was evaluated by appropriate questionnaires and measuring CO in the exhaled air. After 3 weeks of TNS 60% of the examinees were abstaining compared to 50% after 6 weeks; the abstinence rates in the placebo groups were 17.5% and 20%, respectively (p<0.05). Short TNS treatment (3 weeks) is atc least as effective as a longer one (6 weeks), which is relevant both medically and economically.