
Marlena Čuljak Aleksić, Jasna Mesarić


Sažetak. Arteroskleroza je multifaktorska bolest uzrokovana međudjelovanjem genske pozadine i čimbenika okoliša. Polimorfizmi trombocitnih antigena uočeni su kao mogući rizični čimbenici uključeni u patogenezu koronarne bolesti (KBS). Literaturni podatci o povezanosti polimorfizma trombocitnih glikoproteina s razvojem KBS-a su oprečni. Cilj našeg rada bio je ispitati učestalost polimorfizma GPIba145Thr/Met (HPA-2) u uzorku hrvatske populacije te ispitati njegovu povezanost s koronarnom bolesti. U istraživanje smo uključili 604 ispitanika koje smo temeljem nalaza koronarografije u našoj ustanovi svrstali u dvije skupine: 402 bolesnika s dokazanim KBS-om i 202 bolesnika bez KBS-a (kontrolna skupina). Učestalost genotipova HPA-2ab (Thr/Met) i HPA-2bb (Met/Met) veća je u skupini bolesnika s KBS-om nego u kontrolnoj skupini (22,1% vs 21,3% i 1,3% vs 0,5%), ali opažena razlika nije statistički značajna (p=0,654). U bolesnika s KBS-om u usporedbi s bolesnicima bez KBS-a učestalost alela Met neznatno je veća (0,12 vs 0,11). Statistička analiza nije pokazala značajnu povezanost polimorfizma GPIba145Thr/Met (HPA-2) s pojavom KBS (OR, 1,10; 95% CI, 0,69 do 1,50), što je sukladno rezultatima istraživanja ovog polimorfizma u populaciji središnje Europe. Povezanost ostalih polimorfizama -trombocitnih glikoproteina s KBS-om u hrvatskoj populaciji predmet je daljnjih istraživanja.


Summary. Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease caused by the interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental influences. Polymorphisms within platelet membrane antigens have been recognized as a potential risk factor involved in pathogenesis of coronary artery disease (CAD). Results of different studies on association of platelet membrane polymorphisms and CAD are controversial. The aim of our study was to investigate the frequency of GPIba145Thr/Met (HPA-2) polymorphism among Croatian patients and to assess the relationship between this polymorphism and the prevalence of CAD. 604 patients were enrolled in this investigation and according to the results of coronary angiograms were devided in two groups: 402 patients with coronary angiography confirmed CAD and 202 patients without coronary angiography confirmed CAD (control group). Frequency of genotypes HPA-2ab (Thr/Met) and HPA-2bb (Met/Met) was higher in CAD group than in control group (22,1% vs 21,3% and 1,3% vs 0,5%) but the difference was not statistically significant (p=0,654). Among CAD patients, the frequency of Met allele was nonsignificantly higher than among control group patients (0,12 vs 0,11). Statistical analysis showed no significant connection between GPIba145Thr/Met (HPA-2) polymorphism and CAD (OR, 1.10; 95% CI, 0.69 do 1.50). This is in concordance with the results of investigation conducted among central Europeans. The relationship of other platelet glycoprotein polymorphisms and CAD among Croatians remains to be investigated.

Volumen: 5-6, 2008

Liječ Vjesn 2008;130:146–150

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