
Anto Domić, Husref Tahirović, Mojca Čižek Sajko


Cilj: Cilj rada bio je utvrditi učestalost pušenja cigareta među adolescentima u javnim školama Distrikta Brčko u odnosu prema spolu, dobi i mjestu stanovanja. Ispitanici i metode: U presječnoj studiji, zasnovanoj na ESPAD-ovu upitniku (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) prilagođenom ovom istraživanju, sudjelovalo je 4188 ispitanika osnovnih i srednjih škola. Podaci su prikupljani s pomoću upitnika pripremljenih za svakog ispitanika. Rezultati: Značajno je manji broj ispitanika koji puše nego onih koji ne puše cigarete (p < 0,001), dok s obzirom na spol češće puše adolescenti od adolescentica (p = 0,012). U odnosu prema mjestu stanovanja utvrđeno je da značajno veći broj ispitanika sa sela puši cigarete od onih iz grada (p < 0,001). Više od polovice ispitanika koji puše, neovisno o spolu, popušilo je prvu cigaretu u dobi do 13. godine. Do te dobi adolescenti počinju pušiti češće nego adolescentice (p < 0,001). U dobi od 15 i 16 godina adolescentice počinju pušiti češće nego adolescenti (p < 0,001). Svaki drugi ispitanik koji je pušio cigarete, neovisno o mjestu stanovanja, činio je to u dobi do 13. godine, s tim što su u toj dobi češće pušili ispitanici sa sela (p < 0,001). Od 895 ispitanika koji su pušili u posljednjih 30 dana njih 259 ili 30,3% pušilo je samo jednu cigaretu na tjedan, 1 – 5 ­cigareta na dan pušila su 162 ili 18,1%, 168 ili 18,8% ispitanika pušilo je 6 – 10 cigareta na dan, 11 – 20 cigareta na dan puši 146 ili 16,3%, a svakodnevno puši 160 ili 17,9% ispitanika. Zaključak: Iako je 42,8% ispitanika koji su bilo kada pušili cigarete statistički značajno manje od 57,2% ispitanika koji nisu pušili, taj broj zabrinjava s obzirom na to da je riječ o osjetljivoj populaciji i činjenici da je svaki drugi počeo pušiti već u dobi do 13. godine.


Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of cigarette smoking in adolescents in public schools of the Brčko District of B&H in relation to their gender, age and place of residence. Participants and ­Methods: A cross-sectional study, based on the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) questionnaire adapted to this research comprised 4,188 respondents who attended primary and secondary schools. Data were collected using a questionnaire prepared for each respondent. Results: Significantly fewer respondents smoke cigarettes compared to those who do not (p < 0.001), while in relation to gender male adolescents smoke more often than female adolescents (p = 0.012). In relation to their place of residence it is established that a significantly higher number of respondents from rural areas smoke cigarettes compared to those from the city (p < 0.001). More than half of the respondents, who smoke regardless of their gender, had their first cigarette before the age of 13. Male adolescents often begin smoking before the age of thirteen compared to female adolescents (p < 0.001), while female adolescents often begin smoking between
the ages of 15 and 16 in relation to male adolescents (p <0.001). Every second respondent who smokes cigarettes irrespective of his/her place of residence did so at the age of 13. However, the respondents from rural areas smoke more often
(p < 0.0001). Out of 895 respondents who smoked during the last month, 259 of or 30.3 % smoked only one cigarette a week, 162 or 18.1 % smoked 1-5 cigarettes a day, 168 or 18.8 % of the respondents smoked 6-10 cigarettes a day, 146 or 16.3 % smoked 11 to 20 cigarettes a day, and 160 or 17.9 % of the respondents smoked every day. Conclusion: Although 42.8 % of the respondents who had ever smoked cigarettes is significantly less compared to 57.2 % of the respondents who do not smoke, that number is disturbing since we talk about the vulnerable population group and the fact that every second adolescent started smoking at the age to 13.

Volumen: 7-8, 2016

Liječ Vjesn 2016;138:194–199

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