
Vlaho Brailo, Vanja Vučićević Boras, Ana Cekić-Arambašin


Sažetak. Rekurentne aftozne ulceracije (RAU) najčešća su oralna ulcerozna bolest, koja se javlja u 10%–20% opće populacije. Iako je uloga genetike, lokalnih, sistemskih, mikrobnih i imunosnih čimbenika u etiologiji RAU poznata, patogeneza i dalje ostaje nejasna. Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti povezanost RAU i anemije, dispeptičnih tegoba, infekcije s Helicobacter pylori i poremećaja imunosti u 68 bolesnika dobi 5–73 godine, prosječne dobi 38,8 godina s dijagnosticiranim RAU u Zavodu za oralnu medicinu Stomatološkog fakulteta u Zagrebu u 2003. godini. Dijagnoza RAU postavljena je na temelju kliničkih kriterija. Anemija je dijagnosticirana rutinskim laboratorijskim metodama, a infekcija s H. pylori serološkom metodom (ELISA) ili urejnim izdisajnim testom. Iz rezultata istraživanja možemo zaključiti da se RAU češće javljaju kod žena i da su česte u bolesnika s dispeptičnim tegobama. Treba naglasiti da bi kod pacijenata s RAU nakon isključenja hematoloških deficijencija (željezo, folna kiselina i vitamin B12) trebalo napraviti i gastroenterološki pregled i isključiti infekciju s H. pylori zbog visokog postotka remisije RAU nakon eradikacijske terapije.


Summary. Recurrent aphthous ulcerations (RAU) are the most common oral ulcerative disease, affecting 10% to 20% of the population. Local, systemic, genetic, immunological and microbial factors may play a role in the etiology of RAU, but the pathogenesis of the disease still remains unknown. In this study we have investigated correlation between RAU and anemia, dispeptic difficulties, Helicobacter pylori infection and immunological disorders in 68 patients age range 5–73 years, mean age 38.8 years, from the Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb with diagnosed RAU in the year 2003. The diagnosis of RAU was based on clinical criteria. Anemia was diagnosed using routine laboratory tests and the diagnosis of H. pylori infection was made based on serologic or urea breath test. The results of this study show that RAU are more frequent in women and that they often occur in patients with dispeptic difficulties. It should be emphasized that in patients with RAU after the exclusion of hematological deficiencies (iron, folic acid and vitamin B12) gastrointestinal examination and H. pylori testing should be performed, due to high percentage of RAU disappearance after H. pylori eradication therapy.

Volumen: 1-2, 2007

Liječ Vjesn 2007;129:4–7

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