Bone tissue reparation and regeneration using bioactive material in endodontic surgery – a case report
Valentina Brzović Rajić, Tin Mikuš, Dragana Gabrić, Marko Vuletić, Željko Verzak
In recent years, a significant evolution has taken place in the clinical application of dental materials. Bioactive materials promote pulpal and periapical tissue healing and induce an interactive effect with cells and tissues. This results in a wide range of indications and a variety of applications through the restorative and regenerative results of therapy in various specialist branches of dental medicine. In this presentation of the clinical case, an apicotomy of tooth 21 was performed with enucleation of the formation, taking a sample for pathohistological analysis, making a retrograde cavity and applying bioactive material. The retrograde cavity was created with a piezoelectric ultrasound attachment and closed with Biodentin (Septodont, Saint-Maur-des Fosses, France). The mucoperiosteal flap was repositioned and sutured. A radiological control examination was carried out after six months and after one year in order to monitor the dynamics of bone defect healing. The healing of the lesion was already noticeable after six months. Due to their biological safety, inductive biological effect, and wide indication area of application, bioactive dental materials physiologically replace the damaged tooth structure, induce regeneration of periapical inflammatory lesions and tissue revascularization and revitalization.