Risks and circumstances of injuries collected from the Registry of injuries among children and adolescents in Split and Dalmatia County during the period January 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018
Ivana Bočina, Klaudio Pjer Milunović, Ljubica Marunica Oršolić, Julije Meštrović
Aim: To analyze data on risks and circumstances of injuries collected from the first pilot project of the Registry of Injuries among Children and Adolescents in Split and Dalmatia County (SDC) in the period January 1st 2017 – June 30th 2018 and suggest possible prevention measures based on the determined findings. Respondents and methods: Data on risks and circumstances of the injuries were analyzed for all children and adolescents residing in SDC area aged 0–18 who were admitted and treated for injuries at the University Hospital Split (UHS) in the abovementioned period. Results: Data analysis identified the following injury risks: male gender, age 7–14 years in both genders, house/apartment, sports hall/gym and classroom as indoor injury sites and sports/school/children’s playgrounds as outdoor sites. Most of the injuries were unintentional (96.78% in 2017 and 98.73% in
2018), and at the injury occurrence, the respondents were commonly supervised by parents/guardians (48.36% in 2017 and 39.02% in 2018) or educators/teachers/coaches (35.42% in 2017 and 46.87% in 2018). Only a small proportion of the injuries was related to violence (0.21% in 2017 and 0.15% in 2018), commonly by peers, and to an already known/diagnosed disease/condition (0.60% in 2017 and 0.39% in 2018). Injured respondents commonly visited a health facility within one hour of the injury occurrence (33.18% in 2017 and 27.93% in 2018), and the first facility providing healthcare was UHS (43.54% in 2017 and 34.60% in 2018). Among all
traffic injured respondents (2.09% in 2017 and 1.42% in 2018), it was determined that legal obligation to wear a helmet or fasten a seat belt was not followed by a part of them, while the most common victims were cyclists and pedestrians. Conclusion: The analysis of the Registry data detected the most frequent risks and circumstances of injuries to be used as a basis for developing a specific injury prevention strategy at the regional level.