Clinical guidelines for diagnostics, treatment and monitoring of patients with testicular cancer


Marija Gamulin, Stela Bulimbašić, Marijana Jazvić, Nikola Knežević, Milena Gnjidić, Tihana Boraska Jelavić, Tomislav Omrčen, Valdi Pešutić Pisac, Marijan Šitum, Ana Marija Alduk, Maja Drežnjak Madunić, Damir Miletić, Mislav Čonkaš, Tomislav Sorić


Rak testisa najčešći je solidni tumor u muškaraca u dobi od 15. do 34. godine. Incidencija raka testisa u svijetu udvostručena je u posljednjih 40 godina. Tumori zametnih stanica čine 95% svih tumora testisa, a podijeljeni su u dva osnovna histološka tipa: seminomi i neseminomi. Osobito značenje daje im velik postotak izlječivosti i u diseminiranoj fazi bolesti. Tom je uspjehu najviše pridonijela kemoterapija, ali kirurgija je i dalje neizostavan dio uspješnog liječenja. U znatnog dijela bolesnika danas se nastoji odrediti terapijski minimum kojim se izbjegava niz nuspojava, a dovodi do jednakog uspjeha kao i donedavno agresivniji terapijski pristup. U tekstu koji slijedi iznesene su kliničke upute radi standardizacije dijagnostike, liječenja i praćenja bolesnika s tumorima zametnih stanica testisa u Republici Hrvatskoj.


Testicular tumors are the most common solid tumors in men between age 15- 34 years. The worldwide incidence of these tumors has doubled in the past 40 years. Germ cell tumors comprise 95% of malignant tumors arising in the testes and they are classified as seminoma and nonseminoma. Testicular cancer has high cure rates even in disseminated stage of disease. The chemotherapy mostly contributed to these results, but surgery is an unavoidable part of this success. In significant number of these patients treatment algorithms today have intention to offer the same cure rates with minimally aggressive therapy. The following text presents the clinical guidelines in order to standardize procedures and criteria for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of patients with testicular cancer in the Republic of Croatia.

Volumen: 11-12, 2019

Liječ Vjesn 2019;141:343–351

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