Recommendations of the Working group of the Croatian Society for Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders of the Croatian Medical Association for people with diabetes and healthcare professionals in the Republic of Croatia during COVID-19 pandemic


Dario Rahelić, Tomas Matić, Marko Skelin, Sanja Klobučar Majanović, Miro Bakula, Marin Deškin, Igor Bjelinski, Dubravka Jurišić Eržen, Mladen Krnić, Tina Tičinović Kurir, Maja Radman, Blaženka Miškić, Milan Vrkljan, Silvija Canecki Varžić

Radna skupina Hrvatskog društva za dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora pripremila je smjernice za postupanje u pandemiji COVID-19 za osobe sa šećernom bolešću i za zdravstvene djelatnike. U preporukama su naglašeni razmjeri pandemije i moguće posljedice za oboljele od šećerne bolesti. Opisana je klinička slika i ponovljene smjernice Nacionalnog stožera civilne zaštite kako se osobe od šećerne bolesti mogu zaštititi i što trebaju činiti za dobru regulaciju glikemije. Predložene su mjere koje trebaju provoditi zdravstvene ustanove koje skrbe o bolesnicima sa šećernom bolešću i načela zbrinjavanja glikemije u hitnom prijemu i tijekom hospitalizacije.

The Working group of the Croatian Society for Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders of the Croatian Medical Association has prepared recommendations for people with diabetes and healthcare professionals in the age of COVID-19 pandemic. The recommendations emphasized the scale of the pandemic and the possible consequences for those suffering from diabetes. Enclosed are clinical presentation and directions of the National civil protection headquarters on the methods that enable people with diabetes to protect themselves, and maintain their blood glucose in target range as well. Measures have been proposed to be implemented by healthcare facilities that deliver care for patients with diabetes, and the principles of glycemic control in emergency department and during hospitalization.

Volumen: 3-4, 2020

Liječ Vjesn 2020;142:85–88

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