Ozren Polašek, Ivana Kolčić, Nada Čikeš
Sažetak. Cilj studije bio je ispitati želje vezane uz odabir specijalizacije među studentima šeste godine Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Studijom su bile obuhvaćene tri akademske godine (2003–2005), s ukupno 603 anketirana studenta (postotak odaziva 83,8%). Trećina studenata navela je da su već pri upisu na fakultet znali kojom specijalizacijom se žele baviti. Na kraju studija tri najčešće željene specijalizacije bile su interna medicina (12,6%), pedijatrija (10,2%) i kirurgija (8,7%), dok je četvrtina studenata (24,4%) prije kraja diplomske edukacije željela jednu od tzv. specijalizacija s mogućnošću kontrole životnog stila. Najbolji akademski uspjeh prijavili su studenti koji su željeli specijalizirati internu medicinu, dok su najlošiji uspjeh prijavili studenti koji žele specijalizirati obiteljsku medicinu. U odnosu na postotak specijalista u sustavu zdravstva Republike Hrvatske, studija pokazuje najmanji interes za specijalizacije iz obiteljske medicine, anesteziologije i radiologije, dok je najveći interes studenata zabilježen za specijalizacije iz otorinolaringologije i ortopedije.
Summary. The aim of this study was to investigate the sixth-year medical students’ specialty preferences, at the Zagreb University Medical School. A total of 603 students were recruited during a three-year period (2003–2005), with a response rate of 83.3%. One third had a preferred specialty upon enrolment at the Medical School. Three most desirable specialties few months prior to graduation were internal medicine (12.6%), paediatrics (10.2%), and surgery (8.7%), while one fourth of students (24.4%) reported one of the controllable life-style specialties as their specialty choice. Students who were interested in internal medicine reported the best academic performance, while those who were interested in the family medicine (general practice) reported the poorest academic performance. The study indicates that family medicine, anaesthesiology, and radiology were the least commonly reported as specialties of the students’ choice, compared to percentage of specialists employed in Croatian health care service. The most wanted specialties were ear-nose-throat and orthopaedics.