Patient compliance during conservative treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis – literature review and the experience of a tertiary Institution multidisciplinary team


Marina Stilinović, Ozren Kubat, Mislav Čimić, Tomislav Drezga, Tomislav Đapić

Konzervativno liječenje skolioze uključuje nošenje korektivne ortoze u propisanom vremenu, nerijetko potpomognuto režimom fizikalne terapije. Djelotvornost liječenja ortozom dokazana je brojnim kliničkim ispitivanjima te predstavlja “zlatni standard” konzervativnog liječenja. Suradnja bolesnika u liječenju ortozom bît je uspješnosti tretmana. Liječenje je učinkovito samo u vrijeme rasta, a najčešće se odvija u periodu adolescencije. Adolescencija je psihološki vrlo burno razdoblje pa suradnja s adolescentnim bolesnikom može biti otežana iz više razloga. Zato je važno razumijevanje i uvažavanje psihosocijalnih aspekata u liječenju ove skupine bolesnika, kao i razumijevanje i uvažavanje dinamike cijele obitelji. Unaprjeđivanje suradnje važno je za tijek i ishod liječenja, a postupci unaprjeđivanja suradnje i pružanja psihološke potpore trebaju biti kontinuirani i strukturirani. Bolesnici koji dobivaju adekvatnu psihološku potporu koja uključuje i edukaciju o važnosti tretmana bolje surađuju te se općenito bolje osjećaju od onih bolesnika koji navedenu potporu nisu primili.

Conservative treatment of scoliosis includes orthotics and physical therapy. Efficacy of orthotic treatment has been validated over time through a great number of scientific papers, and today it represents the golden standard in the conservative treatment of scoliosis. Patient compliance is key in this type of treatment, as it is only effective during growth. Scoliosis is most often seen in adolescents, which is a turbulent period in every young life, and as such poses a number of aggravating factors for this type of treatment. It is of the utmost importance to understand the psychosocial aspects of this illness and treatment, as well as the dynamics of the patient and his/her family. Improving compliance is important for the course and outcome of treatment, and requires structured psychological support. Patients who receive psychological support during treatment are better equipped to go through the treatment and score higher on the quality of life questionnaires than the ones without the stated support.

Volumen: 9-10, 2020

Liječ Vjesn 2020;142:343–347

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