
Iva Nemčić-Moro, Vana Karšić, Vesna Grgić


U radu su prikazana tri bolesnika koji su zbog kroničnih somatskih bolesti liječeni na odjelima dijalize, hematologije i ginekologije. Kod bolesnika koji boluju od kroničnih somatskih bolesti često se javljaju i psihičke smetnje. Kao veza između somatskog i psihološkog pojavila se novija grana psihijatrije – liaison (suradna) psihijatrija. Liaison psihijatar, s jedne strane, pomaže bolesniku da se lakše nosi sa svojom bolesti, a s druge, članovima tima pomaže da bolje razumiju bolesnikove psihološke potrebe. U opisanim slučajevima psihičke smetnje javile su se nakon završetka somatskog liječenja te je uloga liaison psihijatra bila da omogući bolesnicima adaptaciju na novonastalu situaciju te da se na taj način ne gubi na kvaliteti života. Cilj ovog rada je približiti ulogu liaison psihijatra u liječenju kroničnih bolesnika.


Summary. The paper reviews three cases treated for somatic diseases on the clinical wards for dialysis, haematology and gynaecology. Patients suffereing from somatic diseases often have psychological disturbances, too. As a connection between somatic and psychological, a relatively new branch of psychiatry developed – liaison psychiatry. Liaison psychiatrist, on the one hand, halps the patient to cope with the illness more easily, and on the other hand, helps the members of the healing team to understand better the patient’s psychological needs. In the described cases, psychological disturbances occurred at the end of somatic treatment. The liaison psychiatrist’s role was to enable the patients to adapt to the new situation, and not to lose their quality of life. The aim of this paper is pointing out the importance of liaison psychiatrist in the treatment of physically ill patients.

Volumen: 5, 2007

Liječ Vjesn 2007;129:143–145

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