Kidney transplantation in elderly recipient with organ from a very old donor
Mislav Mokos, Željko Kaštelan, Marijana Ćorić, Nikolina Bašić-Jukić
Kidney transplantation ensures not only the improvement of the patient’s quality of life but also extends life expectancy. A significant disproportion between the numbers of available and needed organs for transplantation has led to prolonged wait time for a kidney transplant. Since mortality rates for hemodialysis patients are manifold higher when compared to general population of the same age, organs from older donors are increasingly being accepted. We report the case of kidney transplantation in a 72-year-old recipient who received kidney from an 83-year-old deceased donor. Proper care of deceased donor in the intensive care unit, preimplantation
biopsy and short cold ischemia time were crucial for organ acceptance and resulted in immediate graft function. Adequately prepared older recipient, with short period on hemodialysis, appropriate postoperative monitoring and immunosuppressive therapy resulted in quick recovery of the patient, without intraoperative or early postoperative complications, and a short inpatient stay.