The role of nursing discharge letter in patient’s medical records
Kristina Hanžek
Nursing discharge letter or discharge letter of nursing care is a mandatory part of nursing documentation issued for patients in need of continued nursing care after discharge from a hospital, and along with the physician’s discharge letter, it is an important part of the patient’s medical documentation. The mentioned document should include information about the nursing care provided in hospital and the interventions required after discharge. It is intended for the district nurse at the local health center if the patient is being discharged home. Collaboration and communication through this document between primary, secondary and tertiary health care in the Republic of Croatia is a topic that hasn’t been significantly addressed locally. In clinical practice, shortcomings in such collaboration have been observed. The purpose of this article is to raise awareness among all stakeholders in healthcare at all levels of health protection about the crucial role of the nursing discharge letter in patient discharge documentation, aiming to improve the quality of patient post-hospital discharge healthcare.