The Health Landscape of the Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia and the Millennium Exhibition in Budapest in 1896
Silvija Brkić Midžić, Stella Fatović-Ferenčić
When it comes to the history of the Croatian Medical Association and the presentation of its achievements, the written material was mostly taken into account in the previous articles. The starting point for our analysis in this paper was the Health Chart of the Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia as an exhibit that occupies a prominent status in the Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy, founded in 2014 within the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. It is a cartographic representation of the healthcare organization at the end of the 19th century on the territory of the kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia, and it is the only such exhibit preserved in our area. By examining the assemblies of the Croatian Medical Association we tried to clarify the purpose of its performance as an exhibit of the Millennium Exhibition in Budapest in 1896 as well as the background action concerning the copyright of its enactment. The strategy of the ruling apparatus in co-opting development approaches in the field of healthcare in relation to the Association was discussed.