
Antonio Plešnar


Operacija varikokele najčešća je operacija kod muške neplodnosti. Varikokela se nalazi u 15% muške populacije, a od toga je 40% neplodno. Liječenje varikokele nije potrebno osim ako ona uzrokuje patološki spermiogram, jake boli pri radu ili hodanju te u djece s III. stupnjem varikokele i s malim volumenom sjemenika. Liječenje je operativno ili radiološkom embolizacijom. Operacija varikokele poboljšava sjemensku analizu, a i začeće od 20 do 60%. Anterogradnu sklerozaciju preporučilo je Europsko urološko udruženje. U petogodišnjem razdoblju na našem odjelu bilo je 15 pacijenata operirano anterogradnom sklerozacijom. Šest pacijenata operirano je zbog boli u funikulusu, a devet zbog oligoastenozoospermije. Operacija je trajala 20 minuta. Zahvat se može učiniti u lokalnoj anesteziji i pogodan je za ambulantno liječenje. Ovaj je kirurški zahvat siguran i učinkovit pristup izlječenju varikokele.


Varicocelectomy is the most commonly performed operation for the treatment of male infertility. Varicocele is found in approximately 15% of general male population and in 40% of men with infertility. The treatment of varicocele is not necessary unless the varicocele causes pathological spermiogram, difficulties and intense testicular volume at work and walking, also in children with varicocele grade III. and small testicular volume. Treatment is operative or radiological embolisation. Varicocelectomy results in significant improvement in semen analysis, and reported pregnancy rates after varicocelectomy vary from 20% to 60%. Antegrade sclerosation has been recommended by the European Urological Association. In the period of five years in our department 15 patiens were operated with antegrade sclerosation. Six were operated on account of pain in funiculus and nine because of oligoasthenozoospermia. Patients were operated at the age of 20–54 years. Operation lasted about 20 minutes. The procedure can be perfomed under local anesthesia, and it is suitable for outpatient treatment. This medical procedure including advanced techniques of varicocelectomy provides a safe, effective approach to cure of varicocele.

Volumen: 7-8, 2011

Liječ Vjesn 2011;133:256–259