
Marijan Kovačić, Ivan Kovačić


Piramidalni režanj i tuberkul česte su anatomske varijacije oblika štitne žlijezde te je njihova učestalost visoka. Dok piramidalni režanj nalaže dodatnu pozornost pri identifikaciji i njegovu odstranjenju, osobito kod bolesnika s hipertireozom i karcinomom štitne žlijezde, prisutnost tuberkula je poželjna. On redovito pokriva povratni živac grkljana i usmjerava kirurga pri njegovu traženju, a služi i za lakše otkrivanje gornje paratiroidne žlijezde. U ovoj prospektivnoj studiji obradili smo ukupno 342 bolesnika kojima je izvršena totalna tiroidektomija u razdoblju od siječnja 2009. do ožujka 2015. godine. Promatrali smo incidenciju i anatomske karakteristike piramidalnog režnja i tuberkula štitne žlijezde. Piramidalni režanj nađen je kod 52,3% bolesnika s čestim centralnim i ljevostranim smještajem. Obostrano prisutni tuberkul nađen je kod 14,9% bolesnika, njegova jednostrana desna pojava bila je zastupljena u 39,5%, a lijeva kod 18,5% bolesnika (ukupno 64,3% / 220 bolesnika). Njihova učestalost prema spolu nije pokazivala značajnu razliku (p = 0,59; p = 0,2). Udružena prisutnost piramidalnog režnja i tuberkula s jedne ili obje strane u našoj je grupi bolesnika visoko zastupljena (34%), također bez razlike prema spolu (p = 0,29). Dužina piramidalnog režnja kretala se od 1,3 do 4,7 cm (srednja vrijednost 2,3 cm), a veličina tuberkula bila je u 36% bolesnika veća od 1 cm. Povratni živac grkljana bio je u samo 1,8% postavljen ­lateralno od tuberkula, a gornja paratiroidna žlijezda nalazila se iznad tuberkula u 95,4%. S obzirom na to da samo 16,5% naših bolesnika nije imalo nijednu od ovih anatomskih varijacija, njihova prisutnost tijekom operacije može se smatrati pravilom, a ne izuzetkom.


The pyramidal lobe and tubercles are common anatomic variations of the thyroid gland, and their frequency is highly represented. While pyramidal lobe requires additional seriousness in identifying and its removal, especially in ­patients with hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer, the presence of tubercles is desirable. Tubercle is covered by recurrent laryngeal nerve and directs the surgeon in his search and besides this, serves to facilitate detection of the upper parathyroid glands. In this prospective study we analysed 342 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy in the period from January 2009 to March 2015. We looked at the incidence and anatomic characteristics of pyramidal lobe and tubercles of the thyroid gland. The pyramidal lobe was present in 52.3% of the patients with more frequent central and left placement. Bilateral tubercles were present in 14.9%, while position right-sided phenomenon was represented in 39.5% and 18.5% in lower left (64.3% patients). Their prevalence by gender showed no significant difference (p = 0.59; p = 0.2). Associated presence of pyramidal lobe and tubercles on one or both sides is highly represented in our group of patients (34%), also with no differences by gender (p = 0.29). Length of the pyramidal lobe ranged from 1.3 to 4.7 cm (average 2.3 cm), and the size of tubercles in 36% of patients was over 1 cm. Recurrent laryngeal nerve was only in 1.8% placed laterally of tubercles, and the upper parathyroid gland in 95.4% was located above tubercle. Considering that only 16.5% of our patients did not have any of these anatomical variations, their presence during surgery is the rule, not the exception.

Volumen: 11-12, 2015

Liječ Vjesn 2015;137:357–360