
Nurka Pranjić


Sažetak. Zdravstvena se zaštita često uspoređuje s avijacijom jer mnogi faktori koji dovode do pogreške u oba su područja slični. U ovom revijalnom članku navode se literaturne činjenice u vezi s etičkim, zakonskim i praktičnim aspektima gra¬đanskopravne odgovornosti u slučaju medicinske pogreške. Građanskopravna odgovornost za štete u medicini jedan je od najvažnijih dijelova zakonodavstva koji regulira zdravstvenu zaštitu. Liječničke komore bi mogle imati vrlo važnu ulogu u alternativnoj metodi rješavanja medicinske pogreške. Da bi se smanjila učestalost pogrešaka, potrebno je imati konstruktivan pristup. Medicinske se pogreške moraju istraživati. Da bi se ovo postiglo, u vodiče prakse mora se uvesti da liječnici sami prijavljuju svoje pogreške pacijentima ili njihovim obiteljima.


Summary. Medical care is frequently compared to aviation, as many of the factors which lead to errors in both fields are similar. In this article we review the literature on such events and discuss the ethical, legal and practical aspects of civil liability in the case of medical error. Ethics, professional policy and the law, as well as the relevant empirical literature, suggest that timely and candid disclosure should be standard practice. In harmonization to ethical codex, the physician is obliged to inform the patient about the origin of medical error. Civil liability is one of the most important parts of law that regulates health care service. Medical chambers could be having a very important role in alternative methods of medical error disciplinary screening proceedings. Guidelines for disclosure of medical error to patients, and their families if necessary, are proposed.

Volumen: 7-8, 2009

Liječ Vjesn 2009;131:229–232

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