
Lucijan Mohorović


O životu i radu Matije Vlačića mlađega (Matthias Flacius Illyricus junior) još nemamo dovoljno podataka o tijeku njegovih studija, kao ni o aktivnosti kao liječnika i sveučilišnog profesora. Ovaj je prikaz rezultat kompilacijskih, ali dijelom i osobnih istraživanja s namjerom da bude doprinos i poticaj za daljnja proučavanja života i rada Matije mlađega. Prema osobnim i drugim istraživanjima, danas znamo da je on za života objavio 17 radova, tj. 5 više nego što je bilo evidentirano 2001. g. Matija Vlačić mlađi rođen je 12. rujna 1547. g. u Braunschweigu. Kada je Matija navršio 15 godina (1562. g.), otac ga šalje u Strassburg na studij filozofije a prema navodu web-stranice »Matthias Flacius Illiricus«, Narodni muzej Labin, 2010, on upisuje i studij medicine. Noviji podaci upućuju da on nastavlja studij medicine u Tübingenu 1564. godine. Matija mlađi dolazi u Rostock u kolovozu 1572. g., gdje 1. travnja 1574. g. postaje magistar filozofije, a iste je 1574. g. u Rostocku upisan kao student medicine. Matija 27. travnja 1579. g. predaje na Filozofskom fakultetu, da bi iduće, 1580. g., postao profesorom. Samo godinu kasnije, 23. rujna 1581. g., u 34. godini života postaje Doctor Medicinae, obranom rada »De catarrho; ward darauf zum Dr Med prom.«, kada na Sveučilištu u Rostocku 1592. g. Katedru filozofije zamjenjuje Medicinskom, postavši tako profesorom praktične medicine. Matija Vlačić mlađi umire 27. 4. 1593. u svojoj 46. godini.


The aim of this paper is to offer some new information on the life and work of Matthias Flacius Illiricus the Younger, especially concerning his activity as a medical doctor and university professor. According to our present knowledge, he published 17 of his writings during his lifetime. Matthias Flacius the Younger was born on September 12, 1547 in Braunschweig. His mother Elisabeth had 11 more children with Matthias Flacius the Elder.When Flacius the Younger was 15 (in 1562), his father sent him to Strassburg to study philosophy. According to some scholars (Waltraut Wienke, 2001), Flacius the Younger arrived to Rostock in August 1572 and was granted the title of magister philosophiae on April 1, 1574. According to the sources, that very year he was enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine in Rostock. On April 27, 1579 he was mentioned as lecturing at the Faculty of Philosophy, where he became Philosophiae & Logicae Aristotelis doctor in 1580. It is interesting that only a year later on September 23, 1581, when he was 33 years old, he became Doctor Medicinae by defending a dissertation entitled »De cattarrho; ward darauf zum Dr Med prom«. In 1592 he exchanged his position at the Philosophy Chair in Rostock for the medical one, becoming a professor of Practical Medicine. Matthias Flacius the Younger died on April 27, 1593, when he was 46 years old.

Volumen: 7-8, 2012

Liječ Vjesn 2012;134:242–245

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