Patient adherence to diabetes treatment in family medicine in Croatia according to the EUROASPIRE V survey


Lovorka Kovačec, Venija Cerovečki, Ino Kermc, Zlata Ožvačić Adžić, Goranka Petriček, Miroslav Hanževački, Nataša Buljan, Pero Hrabač, Jure Samardžić, Željko Reiner, Davor Miličić

Šećerna bolest predstavlja jedan od vodećih javnozdravstvenih problema u svijetu, a adherencija bolesnika prema preporučenom liječenju neophodna je za uspješnu regulaciju glikemije, kontrolu bolesti i prevenciju komplikacija. Cilj ovoga rada jest utvrditi adherenciju bolesnika prema promjeni životnih navika i farmakoterapiji šećerne bolesti tipa 2 u Republici Hrvatskoj temeljem istraživanja EUROASPIRE V. Ispitanici i metode: Presječno retrospektivno istraživanje provedeno je u devet ordinacija obiteljske medicine u Zagrebu. Uključeno je 58 ispitanika oboljelih od šećerne bolesti tipa 2, a korišteni su dijelovi upitnika EUROASPIRE V istraživanja o farmakoterapiji, promjeni životnih navika te upitnik o samoprocjeni adherencije prema lijekovima. Rezultati: Samoprocijenjeno uzimanje farmakoterapije cijelo vrijeme odnosno stopostotna adherencija prema svim antihiperglikemicima zabilježena je kod 53,4% bolesnika. Najveći broj bolesnika u terapiji uzima metformin, od kojih je stopostotnu adherenciju navelo 55,1% bolesnika. Prema upitniku o promjeni životnih navika, najveća adherencija zabilježena je prema smanjenju unosa šećera (84,5%), dok je najmanja adherencija zabilježena prema pohađanju fitness centra kao obliku TA (3,4%), smanjenju prekomjernog unosa alkohola (44,8%) te smanjenju tjelesne mase (48,3% sudjelovanjem u TA i 44,8% pridržavanjem prehrane). Pušenje je reduciralo 15% savjetovanih bolesnika, a 35% bolesnika je prestalo pušiti. U usporedbi sa zbirnim rezultatima istraživanja EUROASPIRE V, koje uključuje i druge europske zemlje, samoprocijenjena stopostotna adherencija prema svim antihiperglikemicima bila je veća u odnosu na ispitanike u Hrvatskoj i iznosila je 76,5%. Kod promjene životnih navika, adherencija prema smanjenju prekomjernog unosa alkohola (51,3%) i smanjenju unosa masti (76,5%) bila je veća, dok je adherencija prema redovitoj TA (51,4%) i smanjenju unosa šećera (80,8%) bila manja od onih zabilježenih u Hrvatskoj. Zaključak: Rezultati istraživanja EUROASPIRE V koje je provedeno u Republici Hrvatskoj pokazuju nedovoljnu adherenciju bolesnika oboljelih od šećerne bolesti tipa 2 prema farmakoterapiji i promjeni životnih navika. Za uspješnu regulaciju glikemije i kontrolu bolesti potrebno je učiniti dodatne napore u povećanju adherencije prema liječenju.

Diabetes represents one of the leading public health problems worldwide and patients’ adherence to the recommended therapy is essential for achieving optimal glycemic control, disease control, and prevention of complications. The aim of this research is to determine the patients’ adherence to lifestyle changes and pharmacotherapy for type 2 diabetes based upon the EUROASPIRE V survey conducted in Croatia. Patients and methods: A cross-sectional retrospective study was carried out in nine primary care centres in Zagreb. A total of 58 patients with type 2 diabetes were included. Questionnaires on pharmacotherapy, lifestyle changes, and the medication adherence questionnaire from the EUROASPIRE V survey were used. Results: A total of 53.4% patients selfreported 100% adherence to antihyperglycemic medication. The majority of patients were prescribed metformin and 55.1% of them reported 100% adherence. According to the lifestyle changes questionnaire, the highest adherence was reported for the reduction of sugar intake (84.5%), while the lowest adherence was reported for attending a fitness center as a form of PA (3.4%), reducing excessive alcohol intake (44.8%) and weight loss 48.3% by participating in regular PA and 44.8% by following dietary recommendations). Smoking reduction was reported by 15% of advised smokers and 35% of participants stopped smoking. According to the results of the EUROASPIRE V survey, which includes other European countries, self-reported 100% adherence to antihyperglycemic medication was higher compared to the participants in Croatia (76.5%). According to the lifestyle changes questionnaire, adherence to reducing excessive alcohol intake (51.3%) and reducing fat intake (76.5%) was higher, while adherence to regular PA (51.4%) and reducing sugar intake (80.8%) was lower than those recorded in Croatia. Conclusion: The results of the EUROASPIRE V survey carried out in Croatia demonstrate insufficient
adherence to pharmacotherapy and lifestyle changes among patients with type 2 diabetes. In order to achieve optimal glycemic and disease control, additional efforts are required to enhance adherence to treatment.

Volumen: 1-2, 2025

Liječ Vjesn 2025;147:22–29

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