
Mirjana Turkalj, Iva Mrkić


Alergija na hranu česta je bolest koja zahvaća 11–26 milijuna ljudi na području Europe. Incidencija je veća u djece (5–8%) nego u odraslih (1–3%). Mehanizam nastanka alergije na hranu danas još nije poznat. Mnoga su otvorena pitanja, npr: »Zašto su neke osobe alergične na hranu? Zašto se na neku hranu češće javlja alergija? Zašto se u neke djece razvije tolerancija?« Prepoznavanje alergije na hranu često je temeljeno na simptomima i katkad može biti teško. Navedeno proizlazi iz činjenice da se alergija na hranu može manifestirati širokim spektrom simptoma koji mogu varirati, od kroničnih gastrointestinalnih do teških, za život opasnih, anafilaktičkih reakcija. U dijagnostici alergije na hranu od male su pomoći in vitro testovi, osobito u alergijskim bolestima posredovanih ne-IgE-om. Trenutačno ne postoji sigurna i učinkovita terapija u liječenju bolesnika s alergijom na hranu, a liječenje se temelji na eliminacijskoj dijeti koja značajno narušava kvalitetu života navedenih bolesnika.


Food allergy is common disease that affects 11–26 million people in Europe. The incidence is estimated to be greater in children (5–8%) than the in adults (1–3%). Currently, the mechanisms of food allergy are not well characterized. There are a lot of open questions, for example: »Why do some individuals develop allergy to food? Why is some food more allergenic than other? Why do some children become tolerant?« Recognition of food allergy is largely based on symptoms and in a number of cases its recognition can be difficult. The spectrum of food allergy consists of a variety of different clinical presentations, and can range from chronic gastrointestinal symptoms to severe, life threatening, and anaphylactic reactions. The diagnosis of food allergy is mostly limited by the lack of reliable in vitro tests, especially for non-IgE mediated diseases. Currently, there is no safe and efficient treatment for food allergy, and the treatment relies on avoidance diets, that significantly affect the quality of life of allergic patients.

Volumen: 5-6, 2012

Liječ Vjesn 2012;134:168–173

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