
Mladenka Vukojević, Ivan Perić, Mario Kordić


Cilj: Utvrditi stupanj anksioznosti i depresivnosti u bolesnika hospitaliziranih na odjelu onkologije Sveučilišne kliničke bolnice Mostar te povezanost tog stupnja sa spolom, bračnim statusom, dobi i stupnjem naobrazbe. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 160 bolesnika, koji su bili podijeljeni u dvije skupine: ispitnu i kontrolnu. Svakom bolesniku iz ispitne skupine bio je pridružen bolesnik iz kontrolne skupine prema dobi, spolu, stupnju naobrazbe i bračnom statusu. Ispitnu skupinu činilo je 80 bolesnika koji su se liječili na odjelu onkologije Sveučilišne kliničke bolnice Mostar od 1. siječnja 2010. godine do 31. ožujka 2010. godine. Kontrolnu skupinu činilo je 80 bolesnika koji su primljeni u ordinaciju obiteljske medicine Doma zdravlja Mostar od 1. ožujka 2010. godine do 31. ožujka 2010. godine. U istraživanju smo se koristili Beckovom ljestvicom anksioznosti i depresivnosti. Prikupljeni su se podaci testirali odgovarajućim statističkim metodama. Rezultati:Ispitanici hospitalizirani na odjelu onkologije imali su veći stupanj depresivnosti u odnosu prema kontrolnoj skupini (egzaktni test, P<0,001). Nismo pronašli značajnu razliku u stupnju anksioznosti između ispitne i kontrolne skupine (egzaktni test, P=0,143). U onkoloških bolesnika s blagim stupnjem anksioznosti najviše su bili zastupljeni bolesnici stariji od 60 godina, dok je u visokom stupnju anksioznosti najviše bila zastupljena dobna skupina od 25 do 40 godina (egzaktni test, P<0,001) te visoko obrazovani bolesnici (egzaktni test, P=0,024). U istraživanju se pokazalo da su u onkoloških bolesnika mlađe dobne skupine imale viši stupanj depresivnosti (egzaktni test, P<0,001). Usporedbom stupnja anksioznosti s obzirom na dob u kontrolnoj skupini pronašli smo statistički značajnu razliku, i to tako da su najviši stupanj anksioznosti imali ispitanici između 41 i 60 godina (egzaktni test, P<0,001). U kontrolnoj skupini u većem su postotku bile depresivnije žene (egzaktni test, P=0,034) i ispitanici stariji od 60 godina (egzaktni test, P=0,006). Zaključak: Ispitna je skupina pokazala statistički viši stupanj depresivnosti, dok za anksioznost nismo utvrdili statistički značajnu razliku između ispitne i kontrolne skupine.


Objective: To determine the degree of anxiety and depression in patients hospitalized at the Department of Oncology of the Mostar University Clinical Hospital and the relationship between the degree of anxiety and depression, sex, marital status, age, and education of the patients. Patients and methods: The study included 160 patients who were divided into two groups: a test and a control group. A patient from the test group was assigned a patient from the control group according to his/her age, gender, education level and marital status. The study population consisted of 80 patients who were treated at the Department of Oncology of the Mostar University Clinical Hospital from January 1, 2010 to March 31, 2010. The control group consisted of 80 patients who were admitted via the Family Medicine Office of the Mostar Community Health Center from March 1, 2010 to March 31, 2010. The Beck’s Anxiety and Depression scale was used. The appropriate statistical methods were used to test the collected data. Results: Patients hospitalized at the Department of Oncology had a greater degree of depression than the control group (exact test, P<0.001). A significant difference in the level of anxiety between the test and control groups was not found (exact test, P=0.143). A mild degree of anxiety was found in the cancer patients older than 60 and a high level of anxiety in the group aged 25–40 (exact test, P<0.001) and in highly educated patients (exact test, P=0.024). The research showed that the cancer patients from the younger age group had higher levels of depression (exact test, P<0.001). By comparing the degree of anxiety to the age in the control group, statistically significant difference was not found, so the highest level of anxiety was found in the patients aged between 41 and 60 (exact test, P<0.001). It was determined that a higher percentage of women (exact test, P=0.034) and patients over 60 years old (exact test, P=0.006) in the control group were more depressed. Conclusion: Although a statistically higher level of depression was determined for the test group patients, a statistically significant difference in the levels of anxiety between test and control groups was not found.

Volumen: 7-8, 2012

Liječ Vjesn 2012;134:208–214

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