Ivica Vučak
Sažetak. U karijeri, nešto duljoj od 22 godine, Lehner je promijenio niz mjesta boravka i rada. Osim poslova općinskog i kotarskog liječnika radio je i kao kupališni liječnik. Zanimao se i za liječenje mucanja, osobni problem koji je uspješno riješio tijekom studija u Beču te pokušavao senzibilizirati liječnike, učitelje i vlasti za taj problem. O tome je predavao i pisao u stručnome liječničkom časopisu, ali i za novine. O svom trošku objavio je, nakon brošure (1895.), i knjigu o mucanju i po tome je pionir logopedije u Hrvatskoj, nažalost zaboravljen. Pisao je i o organizaciji zdravstva i staleškim problemima pokušavajući poboljšati zdravstvenu situaciju uopće te položaj liječnika u društvu.
Summary. In his career, somewhat longer than 22 years, Lehner was frequently transferred from place to place. Beside working as municipal and county physician he worked also as a spa doctor. Very much interested in the stuttering treatment, his own problem that he had solved during his student period in Vienna, he kept trying to sensitize his fellow-doctors, teachers, but also the Croatian authorities for this problem. He lectured and published on this topic in the professional medical journal, but also in the newspapers. About stuttering he published, at his own expenses, first a booklet (1895) and then a book (1912). Therefore it is justified to consider him a pioneer of logopedy in Croatia albeit, regrettably, forgotten. In order to improve the health situation in Croatia as well as the social status of his profession, he wrote about the health system and the position of doctor in the society.