
Vesna Bišof, Antonio Juretić, Tomislav Omrčen, Stjepko Pleština, Mario Boban, Željko Krznarić, Zdravko Perko, Josipa Flam, Ingrid Belac Lovasić, Ante Bolanča, Marko Zelić, Jasna Radić, Davor Štimac, Meliha Solak Mekić, Slavko Gašparov, Nadan Rustemović, Ivica Sjekavica, Eduard Vrdoljak

Iako se učestalost najčešćega malignog tumora želuca, adenokarcinoma, posljednjih desetljeća smanjuje, raste učestalost proksimalnih lokalizacija raka želuca i ezofagogastričnog prijelaza. Zbog uglavnom kasnog otkrivanja već uznapredovale bolesti rezultati liječenja oboljelih ne zadovoljavaju. Dijagnoza se najčešće postavlja biopsijom učinjenom tijekom ezofagogastroskopije. Liječenje lokoregionalne bolesti temelji se na kirurškom zahvatu u kombinaciji s perioperativnom kemoterapijom. Alternativno, ako nije primijenjena preoperativna kemoterapija, potrebno je provesti adjuvantnu kemoradioterapiju ili kemoterapiju. Metastatska bolest liječi se palijativnom kemoterapijom i suportivnom terapijom. Odluku o liječenju donosi multidisciplinarni tim individualiziranim pristupom svakom bolesniku. U tekstu koji slijedi sadržane su kliničke upute radi standardizacije dijagnostičkih postupaka, liječenja i praćenja bolesnika s rakom želuca u Republici Hrvatskoj.

Although the incidence of the most frequent malignant gastric tumour, adenocarcinoma, has been decreasing, during the last decades the incidence of proximal localizations of gastric cancer as well as esophagogastric cancer has been increasing. Due to the late detection of initially advanced disease the outcomes of treatment for the patients are unsatisfactory. Diagnosis is set by tumour biopsy during endoscopy. The basis of treatment of locoregional disease is surgery in combination with perioperative chemotherapy. Alternatively, if no preoperative chemotherapy is administered, adjuvant chemoradiotherapy or chemotherapy should be performed. Metastatic disease is treated with palliative chemotherapy and best supportive care. Treatment decisions should be individualized according to patients’ characteristics and made after multidisciplinary team discussion. The following text presents the clinical guidelines in order to standardize the diagnostic procedures, treatment and monitoring of patients with gastric cancers in the Republic of Croatia.

Volumen: 11-12, 2018

Liječ Vjesn 2018;140:285–292

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