Patient reported experience measures – A Quality Indicator from the Patient Perspective
Armin Atić, Zrinka Šakić, Jasna Mesarić
Healthcare quality monitoring is a constant process which necessitates tracking end-user’s, or patient’s, opinion. Patient reported experience measures (PREM) are one of the tools used to measure healthcare quality from the patient’s perspective which allow measurement of healthcare aspects not available to other tools. This thesis shows the latest findings regarding patient reported experience measures and displays the most frequently used tools for measuring patient experience. Additionally, this thesis displays the utilization of patientreported experience measures in OECD member states. Patient experience is one of the main principles in healthcare quality. Measuring patient experience through different methods allows insight into healthcare system segments invisible to traditional metrics. Questionnaires are the most widely used tool for evaluating patient reported experience measures. Other methods include structured interviews, focus-groups and graded videorecorded patient consultations. The role of PREM will expand to healthcare technology assessment. Patient reported experience measures represent an integral part of daily activities in developed countries and several initiatives have resulted in international projects. Monitoring PREM affects accreditation and financing in OECD countries, and the positive experiences with PREM have resulted in expanding the areas of their use as well as new international projects. With ongoing development of PREM quality and the methods of their development and monitoring, PREM have become a reliable tool and one of crucial elements of health care quality monitoring in modern health systems.