Mimics of hereditary angioedema
Marko Barešić, Boris Karanović, Ljiljana Smiljanić Tomičević, Branimir Anić
Hereditary angioedema is a disease characterized by periodic, unpredictable soft tissue swellings of different localization and intensity, is usually self-limiting and in most cases mediated by bradykinin. The disease can cause only a mild esthetic or functional disorder, but can also lead to death in case of upper respiratory tract affection and asphyxia. There are several states that resemble hereditary angioedema, that can be mediated by different molecules (bradykinin, histamine) or different pathophysiological mechanisms. The aim of the article is
to address the most frequent mimics of hereditary angioedema that might be encountered in different medical specialties, especially in the emergency department, through illustrative examples from clinical practice.