Victories and defeats: battles with pandemics caused by viruses during the last one hundred years
Martin Kuhar, Stella Fatović-Ferenčić
U radu se donosi pregled pandemija virusnih bolesti tijekom 20. i 21. stoljeća te se opisuju njihove specifičnosti. Opisani su pojedini modeli zdravstvene zaštite te su istaknute kulturološke, političko-ekonomske i zdravstvene reakcije na njihovu pojavu. Naglašeno je naslijeđe preventivne zaštite zdravlja stanovnika na našim prostorima i njegova uloga u reakcijama i modelima zaštite stanovništva u vrijeme pandemije izazvane koronavirusom.
The paper presents an overview of virus pandemics throughout the 20th and the 21st century and their main characteristics. Selected examples of applied health protection measures are described, as well as cultural, political, economic, and public health responses to pandemics. A rich heritage of preventive health protection specific for our territory, and its role in selecting protective health models during the coronavirus pandemic is emphasized.