Sertoliform cystadenoma of the rete testis – case report and literature review


Maša Pošpaić, Božo Krušlin, Monika Ulamec

Tumori testisa čine 1% neoplazmi u odraslih muškaraca i 5% svih uroloških tumora u svijetu. Čak 95% svih tumora testisa čine tumori zametnih stanica, dok se manji dio tumora razvija iz paratestikularnih struktura uključujući rete testisa, epididimis i funikulus spermatikus. Tumori rete testisa dijele se u cistične promjene, neneoplastične proliferacije, benigne i maligne tumore. Sertoliformni cistadenom rete testisa rijedak je benigni tumor. Pojavljuje se u svim dobnim skupinama, a klinički se očituje u obliku bezbolne palpabilne mase u skrotumu. Histološki je najčešće solidne arhitekture, građen od gusto zbijenih tubula obloženih kubičnim do cilindričnim epitelnim stanicama obilnih svijetlih citoplazmi i bazalno smještenih jezgara te mjestimično naglašenih nukleola, nalik Sertolijevim stanicama. Imunohistokemijski tumorske stanice pokazuju pozitivnu reakciju na PAX8, a mogu biti pozitivne i na markere strome te spolnog tračka testisa kao što su inhibin, kalretinin i SOX9. Radikalna ili parcijalna ingvinalna orhidektomija dovode do potpunog izlječenja pa dodatno onkološko liječenje nije potrebno, a recidivi nisu zabilježeni. Ovdje donosimo prikaz bolesnika sa sertoliformnim cistadenomom rete testisa koji je liječen radikalnom ingvinalnom orhidektomijom.

Testicular tumours represents 1% of neoplasms in adult men and 5% of all urological tumours in the world. Approximately 95% of all testicular tumours are germ cell tumours, while a smaller proportion of tumours develop from paratesticular structures including rete testis, epididymis and spermatic cord. Tumours of the rete testis are divided into cystic changes, non-neoplastic proliferations, benign and malignant tumours. Sertoliform cystadenoma of the rete testis is a rare benign tumour which occurs in all age groups and is clinically presented with painless palpable mass in the scrotum. Histologically, it mostly has a solid architecture and is composed of densely packed tubules lined with cubic to cylindrical epithelial cells of abundant pale cytoplasms, basally located nuclei and variably prominent nucleoli, similar to Sertoli cells. Immunohistochemically, tumour cells show a positive reaction to PAX8 and may be positive for sex cord-stromal markers such as inhibin, calretinin and SOX9. Radical or partial inguinal orchidectomy leads to complete cure, and no recurrences have been reported so no further oncological treatment is necessary. Here we present a case report of a patient with sertoliform cystadenoma of the rete testis who was treated with radical inguinal orchidectomy.

Volumen: 3-4, 2023

Liječ Vjesn 2023;145:125–129

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