Visual memory of the profession – a gaze at the photo albums of the otorhinolaryngology clinic preserved in the Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts


Stella Fatović-Ferenčić, Silvija Brkić Midžić

Među donacijama za Hrvatski muzej medicine i farmacije HAZU ističe se ona iz ostavštine Otorinolaringološke klinike na Šalati iz vremena kada ju je vodio Ante Šercer, a preuzeta je za Muzej od Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu 2016. godine. Ukazujući na potrebu reprezentacije neverbalnih izvora u medicinskoj historiografiji, u ovom ćemo radu prezentirati zbirku fotografija objedinjenu u dva fotoalbuma ORL klinike koji su dio ove donacije, a koji fiksiraju vizualno pamćenje ustanove koja više nema sjedište u tim prostorima na zagrebačkoj Šalati. U radu ćemo usporediti albume prateći pomake u vizualnoj reprezentaciji klinike različitih razdoblja i za vrijeme različitih predstojnika. Uz navedeno, ovi albumi će biti polazište u usmjeravanju pozornosti na predmete pojedinih medicinskih struka, njihovu dokumentarnu, historiografsku vrijednost i potencijale interpretacije i muzealizacije.

Among the donations for the Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy, the most outstanding is the one which came from the legacy of the ORL clinic from the period when it was managed by Ante Šercer. It was donated to the Museum by the Zagreb School of Medicine in 2016. While pointing out the importance of representing non-verbal sources in medical historiography, in this paper we shall present the collection of the ORL clinic photographs compiled in two albums, which preserve the visual memory of the institution, as it was dislocated from its previous address. We shall compare those albums following the shifts in visual representations of the Clinic in different periods (before and after the WWII) and under different management. The albums shall be the starting point in focusing attention on the heritage of clinical disciplines, their documentary, historiographical and other values and possibilities for their interpretation and musealization.

Volumen: 7-8, 2021

Liječ Vjesn 2021;143:310–318

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