
Ivana Ceronja


Znanstveni dokazi čvrsto pokazuju da nema sigurne razine izloženosti duhanskom dimu. Neosporno je da je jedini djelotvoran način zaštite populacije od štetnih učinaka SHS-a 100%-tno okruženje bez duhanskog dima (»smoke-free«). Dokazi provedenih zakonskih regulativa država i regija koje su već uvele »smoke-free« politiku pokazuju ne samo da su provedivi već i dobro prihvaćeni. Imaju samo pozitivan učinak na sve sektore, a pogotovo u zdravstvenom pogledu – trenutačna redukcija srčanih udara i respiratornih tegoba. U skladu s pozitivnim iskustvima i znanstveno potkrijepljenim dokazima, World Health Organisation daje preporuke za implementaciju zemljama potpisnicama Konvencije o kontroli duhana kako bi zaštitile zdravlje svojih građana i radnika. Hrvatska ima suvremeni Zakon u skladu s preporukama WHO-a, ali je nužno poraditi na pozitivnoj klimi bez duhanskog dima i suradnji građana u zaštiti i unapređenju vlastitog zdravlja. U cilju postizanja dugoročnih rezultata u skladu sa »smoke-free« politikom, intervencije moraju biti komprehenzivne i kontinuirano ugrađene u sustav.


The scientific evidence strongly shows that there is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke. It is indisputable that the only effective way to protect the population from the harmful effects of SHS is a 100% smoke-free environment. Implemented legal regulations of countries and regions that have already implemented a smoke-free policy were not only feasible, but also well received. They have only positive effects on all sectors, especially in regard to health – actual reduction in heart attacks and respiratory illnesses. In accordance with the positive experiences and scientifically substantiated, the WHO makes recommendations for the implementation in the countries signatory of the Convention on Tobacco Control to protect the health of their citizens and workers. Croatia has a modern law in line with the World Health Organisation recommendations, but it is necessary to work on the positive climate of smoke-free and cooperation of citizens in protecting and improving their own health. In order to achieve long-term results in accordance with a smoke-free policy, interventions must be comprehensive and continuously incorporated into the system.

Volumen: 3-4, 2013

Liječ Vjesn 2013;135:104–109

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