
Krešimir Galešić, Ivica Horvatić, Miroslav Tišljar, Stela Bulimbašić, Borka Božić, Danica Galešić Ljubanović


Fibrilarni i imunotaktoidni glomerulonefritis dio su rijetke skupine bubrežnih bolesti sa stvaranjem organiziranih depozita u glomerulima. Njihova patogeneza još nije razjašnjena, a mogu se javiti kao primarni oblici bolesti ili u sklopu drugih sustavnih, ponajprije limfoproliferativnih bolesti. Klinički se prezentiraju proteinurijom, hematurijom, hipertenzijom te progresivnim razvojem kronične bubrežne insuficijencije unutar nekoliko godina. U ovom radu prikazali smo bolesnika s primarnim fibrilarnim glomerulonefritisom i bolesnicu sa sekundarnim imunotaktoidnim glomerulonefritisom u sklopu ne-Hodgkinova limfoma. Cilj je rada upozoriti na obilježja ovih bolesti i važnost elektronske mikroskopije u njihovoj dijagnostici.


Fibrillary glomerulonephritis and immunotactoid glomerulopathy belong to the rare renal disorders characterized by formation of the organized glomerular deposits. Pathogenesis of these disorders is still not fully clarified but they could appear as a primary condition or be regarded as a part of the various systemic mainly lymphoproliferative disorders. Clinical presentation includes proteinuria, hematuria, arterial hypertension and progressive renal insufficiency during several years. In this work we presented a male patient with fibrillary glomerulonephritis and a female patient with immunotactoid glomerulopathy as a part of a non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The aim of this presentation is to show the features of the fibrillary glomerulonephritis and immunotactoid glomerulopathy as well as emphasize the significance of the electron microscopy in the identification of these uncommon entities.

Volumen: 9-10, 2011

Liječ Vjesn 2011;133:315–319

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