Dean Markić, Maksim Valenčić, Anton Maričić, Romano Oguić, Stanislav Sotošek, Josip Španjol, Antun Gršković, Nino Rubinić, Branka Sladoje-Martinović, Željko Fučkar
Transplantacija bubrega najbolji je oblik liječenja bolesnika u završnom stadiju kroničnoga bubrežnog zatajenja. Najčešće se radi heterotopna transplantacija bubrega s implantacijom presatka u ilijakalnu ložu. U nekih bolesnika, zbog prethodnih transplantacija ili izražene ateroskleroze ilijakalnih krvnih žila, heterotopna transplantacija nije moguća. Prikladna alternativa za te pacijente jest ortotopna transplantacija. U članku izvješćujemo o bolesniku s jako izraženom aterosklerozom ilijakalnih arterija, kojemu smo učinili uspješnu ortotopnu transplantaciju bubrega.
Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice in patients with end-stage renal disease. Heterotopic kidney transplantation is the most common technique used. Some patients with severe vascular pathology of iliac vessels or retained iliac fossae after previous transplantations are no more candidates for heterotopic kidney transplantation. In these patients, the orthotopic kidney transplantation represents an appropriate alternative. We present a patient with end-stage renal disease and severe atherosclerosis of iliac vessels which preclude heterotopic transplantation. In our patient a successful orthotopic kidney transplantation was done.